Ch. 56: Needle in a Haystack (Part 1)

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A/N: Living for SuJu's come back song!!! So different from the songs that they usually put out. Love the high notes. Finally a complete group comeback! My ELF feels!!!


~3:00 p.m.~

"Good afternoon, Haemin Bank customers. This is an announcement that the bank will be closing early today due to some maintenance issues. We, the staff at Haemin Bank, sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. We will reopen as soon as the issues are fixed. Have a nice day and come back another time," a female worker says through the intercom system. The customers that are currently in the building frowned and complained about it. But, they slowly left one by one.

"Gentlemen, the bank is now empty. Feel free to start your investigation," General Manager Ji says after answering a call.

"Thank you, General Manager," we said before exiting his office. He nods and gestures towards the door. After we exited, we made our way downstairs. There wasn't a soul in sight. I guess the workers have left for the day. Kihyun pulls out a file from his briefcase and looks it over. 

"Hmm, it says that a group of men wearing clown masks and black clothing entered the bank near lunch time. They came in from the front door and chained up the doors. One of them fired off several rounds into the air. Customers screamed and tried to hide. One of the workers went to press the silent alarm but was shot dead as he got caught by one of the men. They gathered all of the customers and workers and put them in a office. Witnesses stated that they only heard two men outside of the door," Kihyun says as he pushes his glasses up his nose to prevent them from falling any lower. 

"Which office is that?"

"Mrs. Park Yeona, one of the senior staff members," he replies. 

"Then, let's check her office first," I said. He nods and leads the way. When we opened the door, there wasn't nothing out of place as if no one even used this office at all despite having things that indicate that someone does. Everything was neat. Kihyun puts the file back in his brief case and scans the room slowly. 

I went to the other side of the room and began to my own observation of the room. Nothing really caught my attention. Nothing seemed out of ordinary. I clicked my tongue out of annoyance but still continued my search. The more I look the more I thought that a staff sergeant would be proud of the neatness of this room. "I think I got something," Kihyun says.

I turned around to see if he did. He holds up a sliver of cloth by using a pair of tweezers. "Where did you find it?"

"It was wedged between the wall the bookcase. It might be nothing, but better safe than sorry," he replies as he puts it into an small empty evidence bag. I nodded in agreement before turning back around. When I got near the end of the book case on my side of the room, I noticed a hole in the the third highest shelf. I took out a pair of tweezers from my pocket and stuck it in there. I fished around to see if I could find something. 

When I pull out the tweezers, there was a bullet casing. It was silver in color and I could tell that it was of good quality. I put it into a small evidence bag before saying, "I found a bullet casing in the wall over there."

"Really? Let me see," Kihyun says and walks over to me. I handed it over. He examines it closely and then suddenly clenches his fist. 

"Do you recognize it or something...," I asked.

"I can't be too sure. I'll have to have forensics run a test for me first before I can give you a definitive answer," he says.

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