Chapter Thirty-Seven: Ariadne

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Ariadne's POV

Prince Wilson took the information rather well considering that others may have called me a liar, that magic doesn't exist anymore.

And afterwards, we spent a great deal of time talking about what it all meant. However, I didn't dare try to bring up Estevan's kingdom in too much detail for fear of being forced silent once more.

"Thank you, Prince Wilson, " I said while looking at the apple trees perfectly aligned on the grass. "For believing me."

"The pleasure was mine, as always," he replied.

I snuck a glance up at him as his pace slowed. His blue eyes pierced mine and I quickly reverted my gaze to the trees, trying to suppress my grin as any dignified princess would.

"Princess," Prince Wilson said hesitantly. "May I court you?"

I looked up into his eyes once more, searching them for meaning or sincerity.

"Yes," I finally said and he let out a breath that he must have be holding in.

"Wonderful! I suppose I shall see you tomorrow?"

I grinned at his nondignified manner. It made him look rather charming.

"Yes, tomorrow then."

He grinned and then bowed deeply, a sign of utmost respect.

"Until tomorrow, your Highness," he said, planting a light kiss on my hand.

I grinned back, not worrying about appearances, "Until then."

I followed him with my eyes as he turned to leave. He really was quite handsome. And seeing him so happy only added to his charming features.

Despite the hard circumstances, he somehow managed to make me happy.

However, my thoughts were soon interrupted by the chiming of the bells, signaling 3 o'clock.

I had a feeling that I was forgetting something I was supposed to do.

"The counsel!" I cried and immediately began rushing back to the palace doors, in as dignified a manner as one could manage in my state of flurry.

I arrived at the doors to the council room and was told to wait on the bench. "They are dealing with a matter unrelated to Glendowin, don't you worry your highness," the guards told me with a chuckle, obviously noticing my deep breathing. He had probably also seen part of my hurry to get there.

I sat down and then heard yelling coming from inside the doors.

"-but she is my sister!" A voice cried. "Please, there must be something-"

The voice stopped and I heard the council all talking at the same time, I couldn't make out anything they were saying. But that first voice. I knew that voice.

Suddenly I stood up and demanded the guards open the doors, which they did.

The doors slammed shut behind me and the room went silent, everyone's eyes fell on me.

"Princess Ariadne," Lord Ashman said, looking a little afraid. "Take a seat."

I walked over to the empty chair next to him, and in avoiding his infuriated gaze I found myself staring straight at Peter.

"I realized my presence is not completely needed on the issue at hand, but seeing as how everyone who comes in is a citizen of Glendowin, I feel it is my duty to be here."

"We are honored with your presence, but you will excuse us if we do not explain the whole situation as we are almost done with this small matter at hand-"

"Small?" Peter exclaimed almost in disgust.

Lord Ashman raised his hand to silence Peter. "It does not concern the whole of Glendowin. It only concerns you and your family. There is nothing the palace can do I'm afraid."

I looked between Peter and Ashman, trying to understand what was going on. Both were glaring daggers at each other.

Peter slowly cleared his throat and I thought I saw tears filling up in his eyes; but Peter did not cry.

"Ariadne," he said just above a whisper, and he looked down as I heard Lord Ashman gasp as Peter did not use my title. "Your Highness," he quickly clarified. "It's Julie... She's dying."

I'm so sorry I had to be that author and end right at the worst part. But at the same time, it had to happen. ;)

Let me know your thoughts!! All of them! The good, the bad, and the in between.

Happy reading :)

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