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(Pairing; Celesgami [Celeste Ludenberg {cg} x Byakuya Togami {little}])

(This was another request from BrightBitch-!)


Celeste, though she was normally fairly calm, was down to the last straw that day. She normally wouldn't tell Togami; she had to keep her wits about her and keep her mask on, after all. However, she was damn close to flipping her top. Unfortunately, Togami was in his toddler space with no clue about this.

He was simply occupying himself in the main room of their shared home by scribbling into a coloring book with several various colors. As soon as he heard the door open, he stopped coloring as he peered over at the doorway and right at his caregiver. The little gave a smile at the moment that he saw Celeste-- believe it or not, he was actually a sweet, caring little who just wanted love most of the time.

"Mommy!" the blonde male called out eagerly to the lady with drills, "Mommy, come cowow wit me!" he demanded, simply wanting to color with the female.

"Not right now, baby boy,"  the gambler answered, keeping as calm as she possibly could, sending a small smile to the other. "Mommy has a few things that she needs to take care of first, okay?"

This didn't sit well with Byakuya. "Nooo!" he whined as he pouted softly. "Now, Mommy!"

Celeste had to take a breath. Byakuya was slowly inching her closer and closer to just screaming at the top of her lungs. "No, sweetheart," she sighed, still keeping her smile. "I have to get done with it now. I'll color with you as soon as I'm finishe--"

"No!!!" The heir screamed out.

Unfortunately, that was the very last straw for Celeste.

"I told you that I would color with you when I'm finished! You need to wait for a moment and stop being a brat!" the normally-elegant girl exclaimed, her voice becoming much more harsh than she wanted it to.

Togami immediately flinched at his caregiver's tone. He paused for a moment as he fell silent. He was quickly slipping into his baby space, and he started tearing up in an instant.

Celeste, as soon as she realized what she had done, immediately felt a harsh pang of guilt strike a hole right through her heart. She quickly came over to the little, kneeling down in front of him as she gave a truthful look of sympathy. "... No-- I-- Baby boy, don't cry, sweetheart; Mommy's sorry, angel--" unfortunately, she wasn't able to finish her sentence before Byakuya started crying. It was pretty clear that the Super High School Level Heir was in a young headspace without him even saying anything.

Celeste gave a soft sigh as she carefully pulled her little boy onto her lap. "Mommy's sorry, sweet boy... Mommy's just had a bad day, okay...? I didn't mean to yell at you and get so upset..." the gambler insisted with a soft, calming voice as she gently rubbed her baby boy's back. "It's okay, angel... It's okay," she spoke soothingly as she kept the little close, slowly beginning to calm down.

Celeste made mistakes; everyone did, though. It was in the nature of any human. However, whenever she made a mistake involving her baby boy, she'd try her absolute damnedest to make it right. She would make things right if it killed her.

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