🍬💖Supreme Over-Little Of Ice💜🍬

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Pairing; Soudham [Kazuichi Souda (cg) x Gundham Tanaka (little)]


Gundham probably should have seen this coming, but did he? No; no, he didn't. He should have realized he was this close to slipping, but he didn't. Now, he was beating himself up over it.

Tanaka had woken up feeling off, somehow, though he couldn't quite pinpoint why. Still, he shrugged it off; he figured that it wasn't too big of a deal, and even less of a problem if he couldn't figure it out. He was going to be spending time with his boyfriend, Kazuichi, that day anyway.

Speaking of the mechanic, there was a knock at Gundham's door as soon as he had finished lacing up his last boot. Dressed in a black button-up shirt, a deep purple vest, and pants that matched his shirt, he called his devas to attention, and they rushed up onto his shoulders as he gave them a small grin. They were almost like moving stuffed animals in a way.

"Greetings, Kazuichi," as he opened the door, Gundham and his deep voice greeted the other, who was simply wearing a yellow t-shirt under a short-sleeved, white button-up shirt, matched by beige shorts and his usual black beanie.

"Hey, Gundham! Mind if I come in?" he questioned with his usual shark-toothed smile. With only a soft chuckle, the tall male stepped off to the side, allowing the pink-haired boy to enter as he closed the door behind him. Only then did Tanaka realize that his thoughts seemed a little fuzzy. It wasn't enough to be worried, but it was a fairly curious case.

"So- is there anything in particular you'd wanna do? If not, I have a video game that Chiaki showed me that I think you'd love, though I'm not too great at it!" Souda stated as he sat on Gundham's bed, having done so several times before.

"Not necessarily, though I am rather intrigued.. What would this video game be, exactly?"



"Yeah!! It's a game series where you find and catch little creatures called pokémon, and they fight alongside you when you catch them!"

But.. won't they be upset if you catch them? Gundham was confused, and his head felt more cloudy than before. "I'm.. not sure I follow."

"Ah- here, lemme show you!" Kazuichi pulled a 3DS out of his pocket and powered it on, leading Gundham to sit next to him and observe. Kazuichi was used to Gundham being quiet, but the tug that San-D gave on his sleeve alerted him that something was up.

"Look; you see these six balls here? These are pokeballs; they hold the pokémon when they're not in battle! These six pokémon are my party. Do you wanna see the ones I have?" He explained softly, deciding to test the waters.

"Oh.. I would not mind," Tanaka mumbled quietly, already focused on the game in his lover's hands. Uh oh. Now he was struggling to keep from making any slip-ups.

"Alright! First, we have Braixen! She's a fire type pokémon; she's really good against grass and steel type pokémon! Next is Jolteon, and he's an electric type pokémon! He's good against flying and water type pokémon! Then we have-"

Gundham's brain went on autopilot by then. His brain had automatically started tuning out the words from the other's statements, and he just stared at the different little creatures his da- boyfriend! His boyfriend pointed out. That's what he was going to say. Yeah, definitely what he was gonna say.

Needless to say, Gundham didn't even notice it when his thumb drifted up to his mouth. Kazuichi, on the other hand, noticed pretty darn quickly. The pinkette gave a soft sigh, and he gently eased the other's thumb out of his mouth. "Gundham, bub, that's not good for you. Your thumb is yucky, hon."

Then the breeder realized what was happening. Oh shit. "Wh- n-no, I'm not small, Kazuichi," he insisted, blushing as he pulled his scarf over his nose. Yet, he was barely keeping himself from slurring his words in the infantile manner that usually signaled his littlespace.

"Gundham," he cooed softly, placing his 3DS aside and turning to the other. He took Gundham's hand in his own, gently cupping his hand over the tall boy's cheek with his free one. "Honey, I know you're feeling little. It's not good for you to try and stay big, baby boy."

But.. but he came over to do big kid stuff with Gundham!! Gundham wasn't supposed to be tiny! He had started to tear up. "Mmhh.. I-I shouldn't, though. I-I'm the Supreme Overlord o-of Ice!"

"No." Kazuichi said softly, yet firmly as he brushed his baby's tears away. He was so close to breaking through, he just knew it! "Today, you're just a tiny baby boy. And you know what? You're Dada's tiny baby boy. And I think that a certain someone," he said, gently booping Gundham's little nose, "deserves a break from allllll the big boy stuff he has to deal with every day. It's okay, honey; just be tiny. That's all you've gotta do. Dada can take care of the rest."

Gundham slipped right into his toddlerspace with that, and the poor baby almost started bawling. "D-Dada..!!" he whimpered, being gently pulled into Kazuichi's lap in an instant.

"Shhh.. shhh.. I know, honey, I know. You just wanna be tiny, huh?" Souda asked softly as he brushed through gundham's hair and rubbed his little boy's back, comforting him in any way he could.

Gundham nodded a few times as he finally sobbed into Kaazuichi's shoulder for no reason other than to relieve the weight he felt on his shoulders. That was okay, though; he knew it was. He was Dada's little boy, and that was the only thing that mattered to him right now.

"That's it. Just let it out, bub. Dada's got you. You're doing great, little man," Kazuichi insisted as he carefully stood up, making sure Gundham wasn't going to fall before heading over to the drawer that held his baby's little gear. He grabbed a purple pacifier from the drawer, took the cover off, and gently slipped it into his little one's mouth to help soothe him and calm him down.

This sort of thing wasn't uncommon for the duo, but it hurt Kazuichi's heart to see, hear, and feel all of his poor baby's sobs. "Easy, honey. It's okay. Shhhh.. deep breaths, bud. You're doing so good, baby."

It only took a few more minutes of this to calm the little one down, thankfully. "Good job, bud! Dada's so proud of you, little man. You did so good!" Kazuichi smiled, gently kissing his baby's sweet little face. Gundham greeted this with little coos and giggles.

"'M good boy..?" he asked softly around his paci as he gazed up at his Dada with those wonderful, innocent eyes of his, snuggling up with the other as much as he could.

"Of course, sweet boy. Now c'mon; let's play with Jolteon a little bit, yeah?"


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