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Pairing: Kazuhina [Hajime Hinata (cg) x Kazuichi Souda (little)]


"Hajime!!" Kazuichi grinned, rushing over to his boyfriend's side as he dragged Fuyuhiko along.

"Ack—! Kaz, what the fuck?!" The small blondie exclaimed, attempting to free his wrist from the taller male's rather gentle grasp.

"Wh-? Oh- Hey, Kazuichi; Fuyuhiko," Hinata gave a simple wave, stuffing one hand in his pocket with his free hand running through his deep, chocolate brown hair as the other two boys headed over.

"Hey, hey, do you wanna come with Fuyuhiko and I to look around the beach? Nekomaru and Akane are there, and I even heard that Miss Sonia might be coming!!" Even when he was with Hajime, he still had his infatuation with Sonia. Hajime wasn't exactly surprised, though.

"I don't see why not. What exactly would we be doing, though?"

"For fuck's sake- lemme go already!!" Fuyuhiko screamed out as Kazuichi gave a nervous chuckle, almost instantly releasing his friend's hand.

"Ehe.. sorry, Fuyuhiko.. but! I was thinking we could kinda just walk around, go with the flow! If we stop to do something, we stop to do it, yada, yada, yada," Kazuichi explained, causing Hajime to give a small chuckle.

"Well, if you guys are ready, then let's go."

"Fuckin' finally," the small yakuza huffed.

It took the trio a few minutes to get there, but one of them was clearly more excited than the other two- especially when he found a sparkly seashell half-buried in the golden sand of the beachside. "Hajime, Fuyuhiko, look at this!" Kazuichi exclaimed, plucking it from the ground to reveal a beautiful, shimmering blue shell, perfectly broken from its other half.

"Oh, shit-" Fuyuhiko said as he looked over the shell. "That's.. actually pretty damn cool."

"I know, right?!"

Hajime was now starting to regret agreeing to come along. He could just feel his social battery draining down lower and lower, and he knew it wouldn't be long before he burst.

"Isn't it cool, Hajime?" Kazuichi beamed his toothy grin, showing off his new prize.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool, Kaz," Hajime smiled back at the others. Were they gonna move any time soon?

Thankfully, it seemed like they could read his thoughts, since they started moving again. Kazuichi had been on the fence, wavering in and out of his littlespace all day. He was around 8 or 9 at the moment, so it wasn't really obvious unless he stated it out loud. His voice really only started shifting pitches when he was 6 or younger.

Hajime, however, was dense enough not to realize this. He just knew that he was beginning to get irritated by everyone and everything for no apparent reason.

"Woahhh- look at the waves out there!!" Kazuichi pointed out as he looked towards the horizon. The waves were pretty big, and that was enough to excite Souda in his borderline small mindset, apparently.

Hajime was getting closer to his breaking point, but he took a few deep breaths to regulate himself and keep his emotions somewhat in check.

"Ooh- what's this? Wait, what's that?! Oh, this is really cool too!! Man, I shoulda brought something to carry rocks and shells and stuff in!!" Kazuichi rambled on, only serving to speed up the ticking time bomb that was the wearing down of his boyfriend's social battery.

"God, I shouldn't have come.." Hajime muttered under his breath.

"Hajime! I found something reaallly cool!! Come see, come see!!" Kazuichi grinned eagerly before rushing over and grabbing Hinata's hand.

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