💔🍬🖤The Rush Before The Crash💜🍬💔

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Pairing; Kaerumi [Kirumi Tojo (cg) x Kaede Akamatsu(little)]


Ending off the outro to her concert, Kaede gracefully flickered her gentle fingers across the glistening ivories of the piano in front of her. Just as soon as she completed the last chord, she calmly stood up— directly opposing the adrenaline rush she currently felt.

She always did love the climactic end of her concerts. The spike of adrenaline; the roaring applause; the eager excitement; the need to tell Momma; the w—


The need to tell Momma??

.. Oh no.

Kaede needed to find Kirumi, and she needed to find her now. She was slipping, far and fast. She frantically looked around as the curtains closed, doing her best to try to find Kirumi in the crowd. Unfortunately, that was a lot easier said than done; especially when you're getting tinier and tinier by the moment, with absolutely no clue where your main caregiver could be. She felt so tiny and scared, she didn't even notice the tears that pooled up in her normally bright violet eyes. Did she leave? Am I alone? What if she doesn't want me? What if I annoyed her too much? What if this was just her way of leaving me behind without talking to me about it?! Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god—!

Through her panic, Akamatsu still tried to look for Kirumi, completely unaware that the other woman was waiting for her in the lobby.

Everyone is leaving.. but where is Akamatsu-San? She should be coming out around now as well.. Kirumi didn't see Kaede anywhere. That was odd. Hadn't she told the other to meet her in the lobby when the concert was finished? .. Maybe she was still wrapping up. She should wait for a few more minutes.

Nobody onstage or backstage seemed to notice Kaede's panic; they all didn't even seem to notice her, which helped and made it worse at the exact same time. She needed Momma. Where was Momma? Wait.. where was she? What is this place?! What's that big, wavy wall doing there?! Where was Kashi, and her binkie, and her blankie, and her bottle, and her Momma?! Kaede didn't even notice how weak her legs felt until she collapsed with a slight yelp. That was all it took for all of her fear to manifest itself in the form of an audible cry. "M-Mommaaaa!!" she sobbed out, trembling out of fear.

Thankfully, the duo always brought a certain someone backstage every time they could, just in case something like this happened; Rantaro Amami. Little Kaede saw him as a big brother, which was great since he usually helped out and babysat the regressed girl. The greenette soon picked up on the girl's cries, and his eyes went wide as he stopped chatting with the stage crew. He quickly looked back to the stage, noticing that the blonde girl had fallen to the floor.

Without another word, he rushed over to the girl he often cared for. "Ky-Ky? Baby, what's wrong?" he asked her softly, kneeling down beside her as those innocent violet eyes pierced a hole through his heart. Her whole attitude showed nothing of a proud young woman, but instead that of a frightened toddler.

"B-Bubba!" she choked out after a moment, reaching to be picked up and held with two trembling little grabby hands. Amami gave a soft sigh at this, carefully pulling her up and into his arms. Her own arms wrapped around his neck, her fearful face hidden in his shoulder as she cried. The poor baby.. "Bubbaaaa!!"

"Shhhhh.. I know, baby, I know," the tall male soothed softly, gently rubbing her back as he stood up, carrying her away from the stage. "You got so scared.. It's okay, sweetheart. We're gonna go find Momma, okay? Bubba's gotcha."

Amami did exactly what he said he would. He got the whimpering little girl right off that intimidating stage, looking out across the dwindling crowd before spotting Kirumi at the other side of the lobby. She seemed to notice them just as quickly, because a look of worry shot across her face as she looked over at them.

"Oh, my— what happened?" the maid questioned, obviously concerned as she carefully took her crying baby girl from the green-eyed male. Her poor angel..

"She panicked. She didn't know where you were, and she started getting frantic," Amami explained with a soft sigh, gently brushing through Kaede's long, silky, blonde hair.

"M-Momma!!" Kaede hiccuped, clinging tightly to Kirumi, as though she would lose her.

"Oh, no.." Tojo mumbled before gently kissing her sweet little one's head. "Shhhhh.. shhhhh.. it's alright now, dear. Momma's here, little one. Easy now.. deep breaths, Kaede."

As she was helping her baby calm down, Rantaro spoke up once more. "We should probably get her in the car; we've got her little gear and everything else inside." he then looked to the tiny girl with a smile as he very gently ruffled her hair. "Plus, Gonta and Kaito and Ryoma all finished your car seat, remember?"

That was right! Kirumi had requested one be made at Kaede's will, and the three got to work pretty quickly. They all knew about it, and they were happy to help out. Kaede had it for a couple weeks by that point, and she loved how tiny it made her feel. ".. P'in'ess?" she asked meekly, earning a soft smile and a cheek kiss from Kirumi.

"Yes, darling; you can be a princess. Does that sound nice?" Kirumi asked, glad to see a small nod from her baby girl as Kaede placed her thumb in her mouth. Thankfully— due to Kirumi's diligence— they knew right where her pacifier was.

The group walked out to the car, and Kirumi gently set Kaede in her car seat while Rantaro grabbed the little one's bag. Kaede gave one last sniffle as she was buckled in, cooing softly as Momma kissed her nose. "Here, hon; open up," Amami instructed, Kaede doing as she was told before a magenta binkie was slipped between her delicate little lips. She was already more contented than she'd been before.

"Good girl," her Bubba praised as he clipped the plastic soother to her vest. With a smile, he placed her blankie over her legs and Kashi right into her arms. Hey, why was she so upset before? She couldn't remember. With a soft yawn, she rubbed at her eyes. Whatever she was upset about sure tired her out. She almost didn't notice Momma putting her sippy cup in the cup holder next to her before closing the door!

She didn't exactly remember when the car had started moving, either— but that didn't matter. She was just a tiny baby, and Momma and Bubba were right there to take care of everything for her. This was just how she liked it, she realized before allowing her eyes to gently close.

Danganronpa CGLRE OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora