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(Pairing: Amaguuji [Rantarou Amami {little} x Korekiyo Shinguuji {cg} ])

(Requested by BrightCosplayer-!) [a ck I never really play as Korekiyo in anything, so I hope I'm not too far off,,, also, the total number of words for this chapter is 2108, which is SIGNIFICANTLY more than my normally 900-or-so word maximum, so I hope you all enjoy! Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RANTAROU!]


Rantarou and Korekiyo were best friends. Unlikely best friends, sure, but they were best friends nonetheless. Rantarou knew that Korekiyo would always listen if he ever had any problems, and the green-eyed male knew this. However, there was one thing that he wasn't sure the other would be alright with.

Amami was a little.

To be entirely honest, Rantarou had a crush on Korekiyo-- he had for a while. He didn't want to say anything about his crush nor his littlespace our of fear that the other would leave him, so he simply stayed quiet about it.

He hid all of his little gear as well as he could whenever anybody was over, that way nobody would know. Fortunately, it had worked in his favor so far. The only person who knew that he was a little was himself and, as long as he could have it continue to be so, then that's how it would be.

One day, however, he headed into his apartment that he shared with his boyfriend after coming back with groceries, only to find that the other male had brought a girl into their bed. The pale-green-haired male was crushed; he gritted his teeth with a scoff as he looked at the two with complete and utter disdain. "... So, this is what you do whenever I leave, huh...?" he hissed coldly at his boyfriend, doing his best to keep from tearing up. "... Fine, then. I hope you two enjoy what you have; I'll get out of your way," Amami stated as he left the room to go into another room, where he kept most of his things.

"R-Rantarou-- wait!" His boyfriend called after him, but, by the time that he'd actually attempted to look for him, Rantarou was long gone. He had all of his little gear with him in a certain bag, with his clothes in another. 

The adventurer simply walked over to his best friend's house, since Korekiyo only lived a minute or so away by foot. He allowed a few tears to fall, though he wouldn't allow for many as he walked up to Shinguuji's front door. He quickly dried his tears, taking a deep breath before ringing the doorbell, hoping that the taller male would answer.

Thankfully, Amami didn't need to wait very long.

"Ah-- Rantarou, are you alright? You never come around this late; even on weekends," the anthropologist pointed out as he tilted his head ever so slightly.

"... Honestly, no," the greenette sighed, peering at the ground for a moment before he looked up at the other. "... Would you mind if I stayed with you for a while...? Sorry this is so sudden..." Rantarou apologized, though he couldn't say anything more as Korekiyo brought him inside, closing the door behind them.

"Of course not, and the guest room is always available," Shinguuji began as he set one of Rantarou's bags down near the main room. "Let me guess; your boyfriend finally left for another?" he asked, knowing just how awful the other male was to Rantarou.

Amami's green eyes quickly dulled as his smile faded. "... You really do know me well, don't you...?" he sighed as he set his other bag down next to the first one, quickly stuffing his hand into a pocket.

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