Chapter 14: The plan

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I walked down the streets of the city, the wind blowing my hair in multiple directions. 'Almost there, just down the block!' It's freezing out here, when was the night so cold? I took a right turn, rubbing my hands together while making my way to the door.

I carefully took my backpack off and rummaged around for my keys, when I finally found them I quietly zipped it up again. I unlocked the door and stepped inside, looking around cautiously. I dropped my gaze to see that his shoes weren't there, that means he isn't home then.

I slipped my shoes off and walked down the hallway before entering my room. It was peaceful there, it was my own space, I had privacy in here. I pulled my phone out of pocket and opened my contacts.

Dusty Douchebag

So what's this plan u were talking about Mr Hand Fetish?

Don't call me Hand fetish brat!

U can't stop me

Fuck u

Aww, fuck u too

Let's get to the point, the plan

U gonna tell me about it or what?

I'm getting to that!


We're going to use the media to get some info about your little excursion, it'll be a distraction

It's a good plan, All Might's info might be false, you never know

We've already got someone to get those documents, you just need to keep everyone away while they do it

Sounds pretty easy, do I get to know who I'm working with?

No, they don't know who you are either


If they get caught they won't be able to rat you out

Fair enough

Better prepare yourself, this level's gonna be hard

Today at 8:23 PM

"The fuck?" I closed my contacts and went to my notes. 

Mr Hand Fetish

- Video game lingo?

- Acts like a child

- Probably has a hand fetish

Mist Dude

- Decent human being

- Has manners

- Acts like a mom?

I turned off my phone and flopped on my bed. "I guess I gotta think up names now?" I sighed. "I'm too lazy for this shit," I buried my face in one of my many pillows. "Back to my notes then," I groaned.


- Owari (The end)

- Shinigami (God of death)

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