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I stormed out the room to shakes and ladders. I could hear Ozzy calling out to me from behind but I didn't stop. I knew this would happen. I knew Noah wouldn't want us to be happy together.

When I got to shakes and ladders I sat down on a stool and put my head in my hands. Ozzy came and sat next to me.

"Richelle, are you ok?" He asked.

"Does it look like I'm ok?" I shouted, lifting my head up, "God, I'm such an idiot, I knew he was going to do something." I mumbled.

He put his hand around my shoulder "He can try, but he'll never get between us Richelle. Remember? I promised." He said pointing at the ring on my finger.

I closed my hand into a fist on the table and got up. "I won't let him try." I told him, turning around and storming back to studio A. Ozzy following behind me again.

When I got to studio A I went straight into the office where Noah was leaning back on a chair on his phone. "What do you think your playing at!" I shouted at him. He nearly fell off his chair in shock but grabbed the desk just in time.

By now ozzy had caught up with me and had run infront of me trying to block my path from Noah. Noah stood up behind ozzy and I tried to push ozzy out the way but he stood his ground.

"Richelle, calm down. Don't do something you'll regret." Ozzy whispered to me. I shook my head and pushed him out the way again, this time successfully.

I pushed Noah, hard. But because of his muscles he barely took a step back. He had a face of shock as he stared at the doorway. I turned around to see Emily standing there with papers in her hand.

"Richelle, we need to talk. Now!" She told me, turning and walking away. I sighed and followed her, giving ozzy an apologetic look as I left.

We went to the office in studio one and Emily pointed at the chair opposite hers for me to sit down.

"What was that? Pushing Noah? Richelle have you lost your mind?" Emily asked, angry. I looked down at my hands.

"I'm sorry, I just..." I started, but I didn't know what to say.

Emily sighed "Richelle I'm very dissapointed. I know your sad about getting replaced on the duet but I stand with Noah on this one. Jacquie was a better fit for it."

I shook my head "It's not that."

"Then What was it?" Emily asked slamming the table lightly. "You of all people should know not to mix the studio with your personal dramas"

I nodded, "I know Emily, I'm sorry."

She sighed again and shook her head. "Richelle I think you should take some time away from the studio."

My jaw dropped. But then I just sat there in silence. After a while, I nodded and got up, leaving studio one.


I was waiting for Richelle outside but when she got out she walked right past me. "What happened?" I called after her while following.

"Emily suspended me, and it's all his fault." She said, stomping back to studio A. When she got there she didn't lash out at him like last time.

"Do you know what you've done?" She asked him, trying to stay calm.

"Whatever happened, I'm sorry Richelle. I just..." Noah got up from the office chair and started to walk towards her.

"I just What?" She cut him off.

He stayed silent for a few seconds. "I just wanted you to see that you love me" He finally said. I saw her mouth drop open. He was brave to say that with me standing right here.

"Noah, I've told you this already. I don't love you like that. And I barely love you as a friend now so just leave it!" She said, coming to stand next to me. I took her hand and we left the studio to go to shakes and ladders so she could calm down..

I bought her a drink and cane to sat down next to her where she was laying her head on the table. She looked exhausted.

"Here, this will make you feel better" I told her, giving her the drink. She pushed it away from her.

"I'm not thirsty" she said and put her head down on the table. I shook her a little to get her to sit up. When she looked up at me I started talking.

"When you come back in a few days everything will go back to normal and we will be able to be happy again."

"You know it's never going to be that simple, ozzy. It's Noah." Richelle groaned. I did know that, but I didn't want to stress her out Even more. I pulled her into my arms and let her lay on my shoulder. We just sat there in silence for a while until she pulled away.

"I've got to go now, text me?" She said, getting up and leaving. I nodded and then just sat there by myself in silence.

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