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A/N I changed the storyline. After Noah left they had 10 dancers but brought in another so that they would have an alternate for regionals. It will make sense why I did this during the story.


After Elliott stormed out of the studio, clearly never coming back, we were only stuck with 10 dancers. Having no alternate is a big risk for nationals.

I was at home texting Richelle before going to sleep.

We have to talk tomorrow...

Sure babe, what about?


What was that about? I was worried now. What if she broke up with me? What if she found someone new? I was overreacting. I played with my promise ring a bit before falling asleep to remind myself that she did love me.

The next day I walked into studio A caustiously. I was scared of what she was going to say. When I got there she was already there, she looked like she was about to cry.

"Richelle what's up?" I asked her. She shook her head and patted the bench for me to sit down. She put her hands on her head and sighed.

I sat down and waited for her to speak. I heard her start to sob a bit and I put my arm around her. She looked up at me and her face was red.

"Please, please don't leave me ozzy". She begged. I pulled her to my chest.

"Why would I ever leave you?" I asked softly.

"I'm pregnant" she said between sobs. I froze.

"Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded.

"I went to the doctors and everything." She said still crying.

"How long have you known?"

"About a week."

I sighed and hugged her with both my arms. "We'll work it out Richelle. It'll be ok" I told her, trying to get her to stop crying. She calmed down a bit in my arms and looked up at me as I held her. I kissed her forehead. "Shh, it's ok." I said.

Eventually she stopped crying and wiped her last tear. "I love you, Ozzy. You know that right?" She told me. I nodded while still hugging her.

We got up while I still had my arm around her and I took her to shakes and ladders to get her to eat.


When we got to shakes and ladders, Ozzy brought me a muffin and a juice and told me to eat. I listened to him because I know he was just trying to help me and the baby.

"Ozzy I'll get rid of it if you want me to" I told him. I saw the shock on his face.

"No, Richelle. I don't want you to do that." He said shaking his head. I looked down at my half eaten muffin and sighed.

"I can't dance at nationals" I said. And he nodded. "I don't want to hurt the baby"

"I understand, it's fine." He said rubbing my back. A few moments later he realised. "Who's going to be our tenth dancer then?" He asked.

I sighed again "I thought about that already. I think you should try to get Elliott back." I told him.

His eyes went wide. "No, we can't do that. You saw what he tried to do to me and the team!"

I nodded "yes I know, but Elliott's a great dancer, probably better than me, he'll be a great replacement" I told him trying to get him to understand.

"Ok. I'll speak to Emily. But only for you. And the team." He finally gave in.

I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you"

He hugged me back "now you need to go home and get some rest. You have bags under your eyes. Remember your looking after two people at once now." He told me. I nodded.


"Elliott CAN'T come back to the next step!" Finn said. I had told Emily about Richelles pregnancy privately and she was now announcing to the team that she would not be able to perform at nationals.

"And why can't richelle dance?" Jacquie asked, concerned for her best friend.

"Richelle doesn't want to reveal that yet" I said quickly before Emily could. Everyone looked at me suspiciously.

"I think Ozzys right. Elliott's our only hope at this point". Summer said.

"Yeah, it's kinda like when we needed Alfie for regionals when Michelle got hurt" piper joined in.

Everyone started mini arguments between themselves and Emily sighed.
"LISTEN! It's not down to us. It's down to whether Elliott will actually except our offer of coming back to the studio."

Everyone nodded in agreement. "So I'm going to go and try and get him, wether you like it or not. Ozzy." She said, waving her hand for me to follow her.

When we got in the office she failed his number since she had it saved already.

"Hello? Who is this?" Elliott said from the other end of the line.

"This is Emily, from the next step"

"Emily? Listen I'm so sorry about what I did."

"You are? Then why did you do it?"

"A guy I met in shakes and ladders bribed me to do it. He said his name was Noah."

Well that made a lot more sense.

"He bribed you to go against your own team? With what?"


Emily looked at me shocked. I was shocked too. There were two people trying to get to my girlfriend right infront of me and I didn't even realise it.

Emily sighed and continued, "Anyways, I was calling because I was wondering if you would want to join A- troupe again?"

"Really? Even after what I done?"

"Well we don't really have a choice. Richelle can't dance, and your the only one that could keep up with her"

"I won't let you down again Emily!"

"You better not. You start tomorrow" Emily said before hanging up.

I high fived Emily before we went out to join the team.

"So What did he say?" Henry asked eagerly.

I smiled "He's coming back"

Everyone talked excitedly amongst themselves knowing that they would have a chance to win nationals again.

"Ok, I know we're excited. But nationals isn't far away so let's get rehearsing!" Emily announced.

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