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I walked into studio A with ozzy as he picked me up this morning. After I poured my heart out to him last week about the pregnancy tests he's made me feel a lot more secure. He also made me promise to not do it again and to just trust him. It was hard, but I haven't done it since.

Everyone was already in studio A as usual warming up. Elliott waved at me as soon as we walked through the doors. I smiled back at him, he was a really nice person. Me and ozzy warmed up for a few minutes and then we stared practicing the nationals dance.

After rehearsals we went down to shakes and ladders to get a drink.

"So, about that date?" Ozzy said, swinging my hand that he was holding. I looked up and smiled at him.

"I'm free tonight." I told him still smiling. He smiled back at me.

"I'll pick you up later then?" He said.

"At least 2 hours remember?" I told him.

He laughed "yeah, yeah. You girls and makeup."

I gave him a stern look but playfully and then kissed his cheek. "Love you." I told him before standing up to go and get ready for our date.


I was sitting in shakes and ladders when my heart dropped. She just kissed him. I knew there was a possibility she was dating him but I didn't want to believe it.

I went to stand infront of ozzy after Richelle had left.

"Are you two a thing?" I asked him.

He nodded while sipping his drink. "Why?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"No reason." I told him, and walked out of shakes and ladders quickly.


I went to Richelles house to pick her up and her mum opened the door again.

"Hello again ozzy!" She said hugging me. I stepped inside the house. "Richelles not ready yet, so you'll have to wait"

"It's fine." I told her smiling. I was so happy for this date.

"Me and her father aren't going to be here when you come back so don't try anything" she said waving her finger at me. I tried not to blush while I shook my head.

"Mr smuggles will tell me everything!" She joked. Mr smuggles was their cat. I laughed nervously as she went back into the kitchen.

After a few minutes I went up into Richelles room to see if she was ready yet. I knocked on the door and she yelled to come in.

I opened the door and she was sitting at her mirror table finishing her makeup. "Oh, your here." She said standing up. She was wearing a tight blue dress similar to the one she wore at prom. I was in awe of her beauty. She caught me staring and smiled.

"Thank you." She laughed while grabbing her purse from her bed and walking out her room with me following behind.

We said our goodbyes and walked to the restaurant that was near to her house.


We got to the restaurant and sat down. I passed this restaurant almost everyday and I've always wanted to eat here but never got the chance to.

We ordered our meals and payed separately even though ozzy insisted he pay for mine considering it was his idea to go on the date.

The food was so good that I accidentally let out a satisfied groan. Ozzy smiled at me and winked. I tried not to blush and gave him a stern look instead.

"You know... your parents aren't going to be there when we get back" He said slyly, playing with his food.

"And my mum also told you not to try anything remember? They WILL know." I told him, blushing visibly now.

"Who's gonna tell them? Mr smuggles?" He joked, making me laugh.


He rested his hand on top of mine on the table. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

After we finished our food, we stood up together and he took my hand and held it the whole way we walked back.

We didn't say anything to each other while walking, we just enjoyed holding each other's hand.

When we got to my door he started to let go of my hand.

"I guess I should go now then..." he started. I grabbed his hand back.

"No." I said. I kissed him. After we pulled away he smiled at me.

"I was waiting for that" he said grinning widely. I opened the door and he picked me up in bridal position, making me squeal lightly. He took me up to my room and layed me on my bed before crawling on top of me.

"Wait" I reminded him. "I can't risk it again"

He put his finger on my lip, "Richelle, it's fine." He told me. And I let him take over me.

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