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It had been about a week since I was suspended from the studio and Emily told me I could come back today so I don't miss out on more Nationals stuff. The whole week ozzy had been FaceTiming and coming over to my house to check on me. My parents love him more than they loved Noah now.

I walked into Studio A and dropped my bad on the bench. The rest of A- troupe were already there going over their nationals 10 person dance. I sat on the side and waited for them to finish before Emily and Noah came to me and asked if I wanted to jump in.

I nodded and got into position. I could feel A-troupe's eyes on me while we were dancing but I shrugged it off.

"Ok, STOP!" Emily shouted. "You're all distracted. Why?"

"Is it true Richelle got suspended for stealing a nationals file?" I heard Kingston ask from behind me.

I turned around and gave him a sharp look. "I'm right here!"

"No, no, I heard it was for assaulting Emily for not putting her on the duet." Henry said from the other side of the room. I changed positions to look over at Henry and he put his hands up like he surrendered.

"Why don't you guys just leave her alone." Ozzy told them, looking over and smiling at me. Finn, Kingston and Henry all started making "ooo"-ing sounds making Ozzy push them playfully.

"Ok guys, we don't have much time until nationals. We have to get this perfect. No distractions from now on." Noah said sternly. He was always stern like this when he was a leader, I remember from when he was dance captain. Oh how times have changed.

Everyone started practising the dance from the beginning again.


After we finished I went to Richelle as she was packing her bag. "So, first day huh?"

She shrugged her shoulders "wasn't as bad as I expected"

I smiled "wanna go get a drink to celebrate our hard work?" I asked her, holding out my hand. She took it happily and we went down to shakes and ladders.

While we were there I got a text from Jacquie asking if I wanted to practice the routine with her. I replied that I did and I would be up in a minute.

"I've got to go rehearse with Jacquie" I told Richelle. She sighed and nodded. "You can come watch if you want?" I offered. She shook her head.

"I'm fine here." She told me. I kissed the top of her head before going to studio one to practise our duet.


"Hey ozzy, you ready to start?" Jacquie asked as I walked into studio one.

I nodded, putting my bag down and going to stand next to her in starting position. Working with Jacquie was surprisingly really fun.

We started our duet, and it was going great. We could do the lifts together comfortably and we were really great duet partners. At the end of the duet I had my hand around the back of her waist and our faces were really close together. The duet was meant to end like this but this time neither of us moved away for a few seconds.

Jacquie moved first and I heard clapping behind me. Noah was leaning against the doorway clapping at me and jacquie.

"That was great you guys" He said walking closer to us. I gulped. Had he noticed anything weird about the ending?

"You two have a lot of chemistry, I knew it was right to put you together for the duet." He said. I moved closer to Jacquie.

"Unfortunately, Richelle could think it was a little too much chemistry. Couldn't she ozzy?" He said looking straight at me.
"You wouldn't want her to know about your almost kiss moment over here would you?"

I shook my head hard, "no, that's not what happened that's how the duet ends, you know that already!" I told him. Jacquie nodded beside me.

"I don't think Richelle will see it that way." He said before turning around leaving the room. I put my hands on my head and sighed hard.

Jacquie put her hands on her hips "Richelle won't believe him. I could even talk to her if you want?" Jacquie offered.

I shook my head. "It's up to her now. If she believes him and leaves me then..." I sighed again and jacquie rubbed my back, "I don't know what I'll do."

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