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I was sitting in shakes and ladders, on my phone and drinking a juice, when I saw Noah come in behind me. I sighed as he came and sat next to me. "What do you want?" I asked disgusted.

"I've got information you probably need. Do you want it or not?" He told me, getting straight to the point.

I shrugged my shoulders and nodded. "I guess?"

"Well I just came from studio one, and guess who was there?" Noah started.

"Ozzy and jacquie, yes I know Noah. Thank you very much. And I trust ozzy to not do anything so you can go now." I told him.

He shook his head, "that's not the bit I was going to tell you. They were finishing their dance, and between you and me, I think they still like each other." Noah said, half whispering the last part.

I scoffed and went back on my phone "yeah yeah Noah. Whatever you say."

"Richelle they almost kissed." He said. I turned my head around so fast I could have broken my neck. Then I realised, it's Noah telling me this. I saw the happiness in his eyes when he saw me looking confused.

I turned back to my phone and smiled, "ok." I told him.


"Bye Noah" I said waving at him. He sighed and got up walking out of the shop.

If I What he was saying was true, I didn't want to get it from him. I wanted to get it from Jacquie and ozzy.


Me and ozzy were still going over the duet, this time we barely touched at the ending because we felt too awkward. Just as we finished our 3rd run though Richelle walked in.

"Hey Richelle" I smiled and waved at her, hoping Noah didn't say anything before I could. She smiled and waved back which I'm guessing was a good thing so I took my chance "can I speak to you for a second?" I asked her.

"I actually just wanted to talk to you as well she said" and walked past me to the locker rooms so I could follow her.

I sat down on the benches while she sat down on the sofa opposite.

"I'm guessing Noah talked to you then?" I asked her. She nodded her head slowly.

"Care to explain?" She said, folding her arms across her chest.

I nodded and sighed, "So me and ozzy are doing our duet right? Everything goes well and stuff. And then we get to the ending, and it might have dragged out longer than it was supposed to, but that was IT! I swear to you Richelle I could never do that." I started rambling.

"Show me the ending pose." Richelle told me. I stood up and motioned for her to as well. I put my arm around her as if I was ozzy and brought her close to me. When she sat back down she sighed heavily and wiped her hand through the top of her hair.

"So where does Noah come into this?" She asked.

"He came in at the ending part, started to threaten ozzy. Told him that he would tell you that we almost kissed and blew the whole thing out of proportion." I told her honestly.

Richelle looked extremely angry now. "I'm SO fed up with this boy!" She shouted, causing ozzy to rush in.

"You alright?" He asked.

"I'm fine." She said and got up to push past ozzy.


Richelle pushed past me and went to studio A, I followed her with Jacquie close behind.

"Richelle, stop. Emily might be in there" I warned her, stopping her from opening the door.

She turned around to face me, "I can't let this go on ozzy" she told me and opened the office door.

I felt the shock on my face as I watched the door open and saw what I never thought I'd see in my life. Noah kissing Emily.

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