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Since Amy left Tns to go to acronation, we only had 9 dancers on our team. Emily told us that she had already found a highly skilled dancer to fill her place.

Just as she announced it a tall boy with black hair walked into studio A. He came in smiling at everyone. He seemed nice.

"Ahh, here He is. Everyone, meet elliott" Emily announced as he came to stand next to her. He waved at all of us and we waved back. I could feel his eyes on me as he came to join the rest of the troupe. I stood closer to ozzy.

"Ok, so now that you've all met Elliott, we're going to go over the regionals dance again. Elliott, why don't you sit on the side and watch to get it in your head." Emily told us, we got into starting position and did the dance. Elliott sat and watched paitently in the sides.

After the first run though, Elliott got up to try and attempt the dance. We started from the beginning and I was amazed. He had only watched it once and had almost got it spot on, and his technique was flawless. Emily had done a great job.

We did the dance a few more times and polished some sections and then Emily told us to take a break. As Elliott was going to his bag to get a water bottle I went up to him.

"Hi, Elliott" I said as he span around. He looked nervous and shocked. "Your a really great dancer! I'm glad Emily found you." I told him.

He smiled at me, "thank you, your an amazing dancer too" he said. I smiled and waved at him before going back to ozzy.

"What did you say to him?" Ozzy asked as I got to him.

"Nothing, I just told him he was a good dancer" I said shrugging. He nodded and went to stand with Kingston and Henry. Something was up with him.


My first day here was going great already! I had impressed Emily with my dancing and a pretty girl talked to me. I didn't know her name but I could tell she was close to the guy with glasses.

I put my water bottle back in my bag just as Emily announced that rehearsal was finishing early today. Everyone started to walk out of the studio and I got to the blonde haired girl just as she was walking out with the glasses guy.

"Hey, I didn't get your name back there." I told her. She smiled at me and told me it was Richelle. What a beautiful name for a beautiful face. The glasses guy gave me a weird look. I hoped they weren't together.

They walked out together and I decided to go down to shakes and ladders to get a drink. When I got there a saw a few of the boys that were in studio A with me and decided to go and make friends.

I sat down next to the one with locs and started talking. "Hi, I'm elliott, but you probably knew that already" I said nervously.

"You can cut your act, Elliott" the one opposite me said. The one next to him hit his arm.

"Finn, your not supposed to say anything" he said in a hushed tone. Finn gave me a weird look and then they all got up to go out of the shop. I hadn't even done anything and everyone already hated me?


I told Kingston, Henry and Finn that I thought there was something odd about Elliott and they all agreed. I don't think Richelle saw it though as she was happily making convosations with him. It kind of made me jealous.

"Oz, I'm going to have to take a rain check on the victory date. My parents want me home tonight." Richelle told me. I was already having a bad day now it just got worse. She saw the disappointment in my face and hugged me "we can always go some other time"

I nodded and hugged her back as we got on the bus so I could drop her off at her house.

Once we got to her house, she ran the doorbell and her mum answered the door.

"Ozzy!" She said hugging me. "Come in, come in!"

I stepped into the house and took my shoes off. "Are you staying for dinner? I made extra!" Mrs Nolet told me excitedly. I shrugged my shoulders and nodded.

"Why not." I said before going into the kitchen. Her dad was already at the table reading a newspaper, he gave me a wave and smiled as a cane and sat at the table joined by Richelle.

"How are you, son?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded, "I'm good, sir"

He laughed, "call me John." He told me. I nodded again.

Mrs nolet brought four plates to the table. Her food was always nice so I was grateful. I finished it quickly and then excused myself to go to the toilets.

I went to the one in richelles room because I was more familiar with it. After I had finished, I washed and dried my hands with tissue. As I went to throw the tissue in the bin I noticed something in there. A pregnancy test. I picked it up and examined it. It said 'not pregnant'. I sighed with relief. Maybe it was just the one from last time. But there was another, and another. There were a few stacked up at the bottom of the bin. I was confused. Why did she need so many?

I went back down stairs to the kitchen.
"Richelle can I speak to you upstairs?" I asked. She nodded and cane upstairs.

"Keep the door open!" I heard her dad say while laughing.

When we got to richelles room I went to the bathroom and came back in with the pregnancy test in my hand. "What are these?" I asked her.

I saw all the colour drain from her face. "I-, I-" she stuttered. I looked at her confused? Was she... cheating on me?

"It's from when I first thought I was pregnant" she lied. I shook my head.

"No it's not Richelle. Don't lie to me."

"Ok, I was just checking just in case" she said again. I could still tell she wasn't being honest with me.

"But we haven't done anything since the first time..." I trailed off hoping she wouldn't say what I thought she would.

We stayed silent for a while with her staring at the ground and me staring at her. Then she burst into tears. "It's not what your thinking ozzy, I swear!" She said between sobs.

"I'm scared. I'm scared that the doctor got it wrong and I really am pregnant and I might hurt it because I didn't know." She cried. I was shocked. I never knew she felt that way.

"But all the test day negative" I told her.

She nodded, "I know, I know, but I just can't get rid of the feeling"

I sighed and went to sit next to her on her bed and put my arm around her, making her lean her head on my shoulder.

I kissed the top of her head and whispered to her "I will never let anything happen to you, ever."

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