Chapter 1 "Alexandria Tove"

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Copyright November 2014 ©
All rights reserved
Caitlin page 2014

Please do not plagiarise in any shape, form or any other sneaky way because I'm sure you have nice faces that you would like to keep. Thanks.


When she saw him she knew her life would never be the same. He was perfect- so very perfect. He stood in the middle of the square light browny blond hair creeping across his forehead and bright blue eyes. He was tall, buff and well muscled around the age of twenty-one. Alex sighed, a look of pure excitement and success spread across her face. Here he was standing before her- the first boy she would ever kill.


She walked up to him and putting her hands on his waist she put on her best smile. "Hey gorgeous what's your name?" The boy looked surprised he raised an eyebrow "Layton Smite, what about you girly?" Alex flicked her hair expertly over her shoulder 'Alexandria Tove." "A pretty name for a pretty girl." He smirked. Layton's hands rested on her hips. Alex grabbed his hand and led him into one of the dark London alleyways. Layton looked ecstatic to have some strange new girl he had never seen before lead him down a dark alleyway in the middle of the night. Alex couldn't think on earth why. They stopped at the end of the alley and Alex backed Layton against the wall trapping him there so he couldn't move. "What you doin' there girly?" Layton asked flirtatiously. Alex's personality changed. "Mr Smite don't ever call me girly again." Two knives ejected out of her knuckle-duster gloves and she slashed them across his neck- killing him instantly.
Alex shuddered- she hated strange boys touching her like that. It made her feel like a plaything. No Alexandria was a vicious killing machine not a plaything, She was not a person to be taken lightly or underestimated.
She was feared and revered among the world of thieves, murderers and lawbreakers. Alexandria Tove was an assassin and she was the best there was.

Countless coppers walked past nodding at James as he held a bag of frozen peas to his black eye. "Got in another fight, hey James?" Sargent Rebecca Smite appeared in front of him. "This time he deserved it." He replied. Sargent Smite looked weary and her eyes where red and puffy from crying. James had only found out that her son had been murdered a week ago, yesterday. "How are you going Sarge? Do you need any help at the house?" She shook her head then said, "He was so young James... why did he have to die? If I ever get my hands on the dog that killed him I will kill them in everyway they possibly fear." She choked up and James got up and gave her an awkward hug. "James in my office now." Senior Sargent Linkin called to him. James nodded "Yes sir." He said goodbye to Sargent Smite then nervously made his way to the office. "James... I can't believe I had to go pick you up from school because you got a little twitchy at a jock and decided to bash him! Do you even know how that makes me look??' "I didn't "get a little twitchy" at him dad! He was being a jerk to a girl in my year! I just had enough of him doing that!" James spat out angrily. "Yeah well you can explain that to your mother." He replied. "James Tobias Linkin!! Explain yourself! Actually don't even bother your grounded and you have to help me out at work!" James' mother burst through the door and screamed in his face. "What? Mum!" James began before his Mum cut him off. "Nope! No exceptions you start tomorrow!!" She screeched then she turned out the door and left. "You heard your mother James! Now go home." James left the London police station and took the underground to the little flat that was their home in the outskirts of the city.


Alexandria had him in her sights she knocked an arrow and pulled the bowstring back to the bottom of her jaw and the beginning of her neck. She aimed and then released the arrow, the middle aged man crumpled to the pavement in a pool of blood with an arrow sticking out through his neck. Alex slipped away into the darkness of the London alleyways.

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