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('BOLD'= Katsuki's thinking)
('ITALICS'= Izuku's thinking)

'Once there was a teenage couple, they were so in love they beloved they saw a red string connecting them. They said the string was like magic, the string got longer when they parted it never got tangled. Nobody believed them, after a few generations, the majority of people swore they could see a red string connecting them to a person they loved after they kissed them. It is believed that everyone has a soulmate, it is just that some are unlucky enough to never meet them or even not have one that was given to them by fate. After a while gay couples started to show, a lot of them cut their string off. Usually, when they cut their string off, the one who didn't want to cut their string died a while after their string was cut if they didn't get a new soulmate. If they both wanted to cut their string they were able to both live. After they cut the string the can buy a special type of thin black string, which they could get someone without a soulmate yet, or you could cut their string, then they would attach it to them. In order for it to become a real red string of fate, you would need to build a true and healthy relationship with each other. The string will get thicker and gain the red color the red string of fate usually ha-' Deku's thought thoughts were interrupted by knocking on the dorm door, him and Katsuki were sharing, "Come in!" Deku yelled for that person. It was Todoroki... But he looked a bit off, he had scissors in his hands as well as thin black string that looked quite expensive. Deku's eyes widened when he realized what Todoroki was going to do, "NO! Todoroki, stay away from me!" Deku yelled at Todoroki. Todoroki gave him an even bigger smile than before, he looked outside then closed and locked the door. "Kacchan?!" Deku yelled, hoping Bakugou was able to hear.

I was scrolling through instagram, eating pancakes. I finish up, grab Deku's pancakes, and head for the dorm. I was close to the dorm when I heard Todoroki's voice whispering, "Come on, Izuku~ Calm down will you~?" I growled loudly and rammed into the door, to the dorm, busting it open by the force I put in. Todoroki looked at me with his hand up Deku's shirt. "Oh hello, Baku-hoe. It looks like you're Midoriya's roommate, am I correct?" I don't respond and keep my eyes on that Half 'n' Half bastard. Then I noticed somethings I didn't leave here. "What are does scissors and string for, Freak?" I asked him gesturing to the scissors and thin black string on the night stand. I moved a bit closer to them. That Half 'n' Half Freak noticed me moving close to them, he quickly grabbed the scissors, he put the scissors in a position, about to cut Deku's string. "Am I there yet, Baku-hoe~?" He asked me with a teasing tone when he called me that name. I stared in shock, because I noticed who Deku's string was connected to. "Go ahead, but please leave his string alone, Fox." I pleaded I was looking down. "Nah..." I shot my head up to see that bastard looking at me and smiling, while still teasing MY Deku. He stopped looking at me then turned to Deku. "I think I want all of him, as well as being able to be his soulmate. Also you don't deserve to be his soulmate, Baku-hoe~" He again said with a teasing tone. He looked back at me with a smug face, Deku started to squirm even more, he was also letting out moans and groans. The bastard grabbed the black string and the scissors. I was terrified. He couldn't take MY Deku away, I wouldn't let him take MY Deku away from me. I would do anything, I could, to save Deku!

Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't been posting regularly, I have decided to change the days I will be posting, I'll post on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays! Thank you for reading!

Word count: 713💥🥦

Soulmates    ((Katsudeku))     {[ON HOLD]}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora