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('BOLD'= Bakugou's thinking)
('ITALICS'= Izuku's thinking)


I left the cute Nerd for a while. I knew he would come begging for me to destroy his insides soon. Until then I would just have to be patient. I was just walking around when I noticed how old Half 'N' Half is, "oh my god, he's way too old to even be looking at My Izu, in that way! Fucking Pedophile!" I kinda whisper-yelled to myself.



I was still in heat 'I can't believe I passed on letting Kacchan touch and fuck me!' I was really mad at myself. I was in bed looking through Kacchan's posts and touching myself, to the thought of him touching me. 'Dammit why does he have to be so hot?' My phone rang, it was Ochaco! Maybe she can distract me a bit!

(O= Ochaco     I= Izuku)
O: Hey Deku~Kun!
I: oh! Hey Ururaka
O: How are you? I haven't seen you at school in 2 days~
I: Oh... ummm yeah I'm okay!
O: Was Bakugou  ponding too hard into you that you couldn't come to school?~
I: What?!?!
O: You know my dorm is right next to yours right?
I: Ochaco!!!!! Don't say stuff like that!
O: Hahaha XD well Iida is here ttyl!
I: bye! Have fun~
O: >~< really?!??
I: Haha just kidding! Anyways bye!

I went back to scrolling through Kacchan's Instagram. I was already wanting Kacchan inside of me, and this was only my first heat wave. I started moaning Kacchan's name, when I remembered Kacchan in me, destroying my insides, touching me, and grunting my name in between pants and low growls. I stopped imagining, whined, and looked at my phone, it was 7:00 P.M. It was Thursday. Kacchan had came and given me food at around 4:50 P.M. right after school. We ate together, I laid down on his lap, but he said he had to go, kissed my cheek, picked up the plates, and then left me in my room all alone. Now I'm sad, in my first heat wave, and touching myself some more. It's Thursday, so tomorrow afternoon I get to have Kacchan in me again! I started to finger myself faster, moaning Kacchan's name, then I finally cummed on the bed sheets and my stomach. I got up and immediately my second heat wave hit me, this time way harder than before. I quickly grabbed my black box and took out my special 'toys.' I just kinda stared at them... thinking of Kacchan, who, didn't sleep with me because he didn't want to loose control of himself because I was on my heat. I ran over to Kacchan's shirt drawer, opened it, dug all the way to the bottom, and found one of his work-out shirt I hid from him when he came back from working out yesterday. I ran back to the bed sniffing it. I gathered Kacchan's pillows and put them in a circle around me, I grabbed the box, opened it, and grabbed an orange dildo. I felt the slick going down my leg, I didn't even have to prep myself. I laid back on the bed, positioned the dildo in front of my entrance, touching me. I rubbed my entrance with it a bit, I sighed and relaxed. Then I roughly shoved all of it in me, and I let out a long soft mewl while my tail wrapped around my thigh.


I was walking out of Pink Cheeks' dorm when I heard a lovely mewl from my Kitty's dorm. I thought about the face Izu was making at that moment. I controlled myself and thought about Pink Cheeks' plan. 'Okay so she wants me to tell everyone about my relationship with MY Izu after her and Izu's heats are over... What if they don't accept us? What if they bully him? What if they break him, like I did when we were kids? What if they kick us out of UA for being gay? What if-' My thoughts were interrupted by Four Eyes bumping into me. "Ow what the actual fu-" I was, again, interrupted, "Bakugou! Language!"
Four Eyes decided to yell at me for almost saying, fuck... "Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Four Eyes!" I yelled at him, "go fuck Pink Cheeks or something! Just leave me alone!" He seemed a bit surprised at my sudden outburst, but he nodded, blushing, and entered Pink Cheeks' dorm room. I was already mad I couldn't fuck, or even touch, my Izu at the moment. I looked at Izuku's dorm one last time, but then headed down to Pickachu Looking Ass' dorm.

Okay my art and writers block finally left! I decided to only post every other Thursday because it will take time since I'll post longer chapters after this one! I hope y'all enjoy this one! I'm sorry I'm late ;^;

Word count: 828 words💥🥦

Soulmates    ((Katsudeku))     {[ON HOLD]}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant