Chapter 3: My low point

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January 5, classes are back. 😭 I asked my mom if I could go to cheerleading and she said Absolutely which made me happy. After school, I went to my chearleading class. There I made 2 friends; Samrah and Savannah and they were like my BFFs for life! Unfortunately, Sam and Vannah didnt go to my school but we still met after school.

When I turned 12, I was bullied. The people I made friends with (Not sam and Vannah) suddenly turned up on me. They used to whisper to each other aka talking about me. They called me ugly, fat and so weird. I felt like I lost my voice. I told myself, Oh, i just have to accept that I am ugly and fat. I was lonely, no one liked me. Each night I cried and prayed. Nothing was happening. Luckily, I survived a whole year. I was full of pain. I wouldn't even eat my snacks.

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