Chapter 6: Am I inlove? Derek's POV

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She pulled too hard and our lips met. She tried to push away and I wouldn't let go of her. Why Derek? Why?!?!
Me and Bethany talked for a while. Then she asked me something..
"Derek, is is true that you're interested in younger girls?"

"Yeah, why?"
I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Bethany.
B: Derek? I'm so sorry.
D: Why?
B: I'm such a klutz.
D: No no no no. It's all good.

I sighed a "I am inlove " sigh.

Wait, what?! Am I inlove?!?!
Her eyes are the best eyes. I wanted to kiss her. I really do. Her body was perfect.
B: -texting mom that I'm gonna be late-
B: Derek, wanna go to practice now?
D: Sure!

This 1st week is the Rumba Week. Perfect.

I showed her all the steps and just like a flash, she got the steps.


We went ahead and did a couple more hours of dancing then we rested. Bethany gave me a head massage. How sweet.

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