Chapter 12: Not a contestant on DWTS anymore..

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Bethany's POV
I recieved a call from Julianne. She said that Derek and I are not contestants on DWTS anymore because we're not performing anymore BUT She said that me and Derek would be at the judges' table! I am so excited because I always wanted to be a judge to tell people how they can improve themselves.
Derek's POV
Bethany told me the news. I was so excited! We asked Julianne when is our first time judging and she said today. We went to DWTS with some fancy clothes on and waited for the show. Finally when Janel and Val performed, they didn't know who the new judges are. When the lights turned on, Janel saw me and Bethany. Bethany had some pretty good comments as well as me. When we gave scores, Bethany gave a 9 and so did the other judges. Tonight was perfect.
When we got home, Bethany was tired as hell. We just watched some PLL and went to sleep.

I probably woke up at 4:00 Am and had breakfast. I just had milk and pancakes. When Derek woke up, he had some milk and berries. Another day, another judging session. I sighed. I was freaking too tired! I went to instagram and I had 78 DMs of saying "BETHANY YOU HAVE A BABY AND DEREK IS THE FATHER???" I tried to say yes to each one of them but I only managed to answer 37 of them. Is this how fame works?!?!
D: Babe, they know now.
B: Yeah..
D: Do they have positive comments about me?
B: Heck yeah they do! They love Motough!
D: Good...
B: Yeah. I'm actually relieved.
D: I wanna take you somewhere since they already know.
B: Where?
D: To Aeropostale.
B: What? Why?
D: Well, Julianne had published this clothing line called "Dethany Motough" and they have good stuff there.
B: Dethany Motough?!? OMG! Yesss!!
D: -laughs-
B: I love you Derek.
D: I love you too Bethany.
Derek kissed me and we pretty much brought it to the bathroom. Oh well. YOLO.

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