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John's POV

Last night was incredible, though I wish we didn't have sex in that kind of scenario because now it's going to be extremely weird between us... I mean I'll be ok but how would Emily react? I really truly like Emily but I'm not good with actions or words. Everyone knows me as the  cold, distant billionaire but I don't think so.

I wake up and slowly felt beside me to see if Emily's still here, and yes she was.

"Let's forget about what happened yesterday" did she really just say that? I wrapped my hands around her waist to pull her closer.

"No, I will not forget about what happened yesterday" I said sternly to show that yesterday meant a lot rather than just a one thing and off.

"Why, it's not like I love you and you love me, it was all just something that happened and will eventually pass." Why is she all of a sudden becoming cold and distant... Becoming like me?

"Whats gotten into you?" I sit up gesturing her to sit Infront of me.

"Nothing, I'm just really tired, I need some rest" and she was about to  get up when I grabbed her and laid her back down.

"If your tired, you can sleep or rest here" and so I stood up and went to the bathroom to clean up. I don't know why but in the shower I was completely lost in thoughts.

I honestly don't know what happened the rest of day but I haven't heard Emily anywhere.

"Megan! Megan..."

"Yes sir, you called me?" He hurried in.

"Call Emily in to see me, tell her it's urgent" and off Megan went as her foot steps gradually fades.

"John? You called me" and I could sense that she's at the entrance not forwarding in.

"Come here I need to talk to you in private" and her steps came closer as I pay the spot next to me.

"I need you to marry me"

"What? Are you out of your mind?"

"No, I really like you and so I hope you would accept to be my wife" I move over so I would close the gap between us.

"You don't have to pity me because I slept with you, I already told you just forget about last night, why do you have to be so serious about something I don't care about" those words actually hurt me, I didn't do it out of pity but I did it because I like her, I love her.

"I am serious Emily I love you, you might not believe me since it's been what... Nearly 2 weeks, but just role with me"

"How about this, we can start getting to know each other, and see how it goes." And she grabs a hold of my shoulder.

"Ok how about we go on a date tonight, get ready by 8pm and I'll wait for you at the door."

"Sure why not" and off she went.

8 o'clock came by in a flash and there I was with waiting at the car for her to come.

"You look quite fancy today" she said and I couldn't help but grin.

"I know that your always beautiful yourself, but today you must be outstandingly gorgeous" should have kept it simple.

"Why thank you" I could hear the giggle that she tried to hide as I help her in the car beside me and instructed the driver to go to the destination where I have booked for only us too.

We finally arrive and that's when I felt extremely useless because of my temporary eye sight loss. Instead of me opening the doors and opening the car holding Emily's hand out, she's doing all that to me.

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