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Oh fûck oh fûck oh fûck.

I kept my gaze fixed on the floor as I slowly pivoted on my heels, to face the three men who were still in the office with me.

They were all standing in odd positions, their hands placed awkwardly as if they weren't sure what to do with them.

I giggled, just a little sniff of laughter at first, but then it grew into a full on chuckle. The guys glanced around at each other, their nerves evident. I sighed, my giggles subsiding as I looked at all of them, appreciating for the first time that they may be as nervous as I was.

Derek smiled genuinely at me and raised his hands, palms up.

"Virginia, none of us have ever done this before, so I apologize for the awkwardness. The four of us lead very private yet intricately woven lives," he paused, his eyes searching mine. "We're all trusting you, do you understand?"

"I understand," I answered, making eye contact with each of the men in turn. "I lead a private and intricate life as well. I understand the balance. I can give you the publicity where you need it, and none where you don't."

I sensed the guys relax as I brought the conversation back to business.

Or so I thought.

"Who needs a drink?" Jake's question made us all laugh and lightened the mood considerably.

"I do!" Austin said with a grin. "Let's get those papers signed and go celebrate with a toast."

We all nodded in agreement, and Derek pushed the button for the speaker phone on the table.

"Bring me the new hire packet for Miss Virginia please."

Twenty minutes later, after skimming through the paperwork and seeing nothing alarming — but lots of reassuring phrases like "to the extent of Miss Sullivan's consent" and "Miss Sullivan to negotiate and approve" — I signed a preliminary contract for 30 days.

Luciano's- Luc's- lawyer had insisted on it, to protect the company and Luc's interest in it, but I was surprised to hear that Luc supported the 30 day trial for my benefit, to allow me a period of "buyers remorse" in case the job wasn't what I expected.

The thought touched me, and I wished he was there in the room with us. His slanted signature, a simple "LDS" scrawled across the bottom of each page I signed served as a reminder of the dark shock he sent through my veins.

When copies of the signed agreement had been sealed, filed, and dispersed, and the office door closed with a soft "click," Austin punched the air and let out a cheerful whoop, fist bumping Jake, then me, then Derek as he circled the room, making his way to the door.

"Now how about that drink!" He grinned, his hand on the doorknob.

Jake bent low and shouldered into Derek, nodding as he answered, "hell yeah, the only thing that sounds better than a beer right now is a bowl."

I caught Jake's eye and he winked at me, so I winked back, the motion slightly exaggerated. He laughed and threw an arm over my shoulders as we made our way to the door where Austin was still waiting.

From behind us, Derek called, "I'll be down in a minute, just finishing something up." He held up his black phone, gesturing to the incoming call that was flashing on the screen. 

He spoke to all of us, but his eyes were on me. I nodded in acknowledgement and let Jake steer me out the door, Austin leading the way back to the ground floor.

We cut across the great room and walked down a curving, open-air corridor scattered with soft rugs and cozy seating areas, each partitioned off with gauzy curtains in colors of deep oceans, desert sands, and fiery sunsets.

Incense burned in a few of the alcoves, some had the curtains pushed entirely open, allowing a view of the landscape beyond, while others had the drapes mostly closed, the afternoon sun casting multicolored shadows on the settees and loveseats nestled within them.

Live cactuses and succulents adorned every surface and hung from the walls and ceilings. It was the most zen and centering part of the resort that I had seen so far, and I breathed deep as we made our way.

The corridor ended at a set of heavy leaded glass doors set into a geometric frame of wrought iron that spread across the exposed log walls.

Beyond them, The Sunset Lounge spread out leisurely to a huge open deck overlooking the desert. I could understand the name of the lounge, now. I couldn't imagine a better view of the Arizona sunset.

Austin and Jake opened the double doors for me in unison, their clowning nature eliciting deep bows and exaggerated hand motions as I centered the doorway and marched through into the Lounge.

At first I kept my head high as usual, but the stares and looks of disapproval from the patrons - mostly men in tailored business suits - made me falter.

I was grateful for the large, warm hand Jake placed on the small of my back as we made our way to the bar. I gave him a smile over my shoulder and he answered it by moving his hand to my right hip and placing his free hand on the other. We were just a couple steps away from the bar, and when we reached it Jake supported me as I hopped into the stool that Austin had slid out for me.

I wondered absently if the guys were always so romantic and chivalrous, or if it was just "we hired our first shared-and-very-personal assistant" manners.

A stocky woman with spiked blonde hair greeted us with a smile on her face and asked for our order. Austin looked into my eyes as he spoke to the bartender.

"Let's start with a shot. Jameson." His authoritative voice sent a bartender scrambling for glasses.

"Make mine a double," Jake added. "I can't stay." His gaze slid down my face to rest on my exposed cleavage. "Give me your number," he commanded quietly, his voice a river of cool velvet as he leaned in close to me, sliding his unlocked iPhone into my hands. My eyes fluttered down to the screen on my lap and I smiled widely at the picture of Jake kneeling on the ground next to a --I assume his-- golden retriever.

I noticed the bartender coming back with our shots so I quickly punched my number in to Jake's phone and hit "call."

I thrust it back into his hands just as the bartender set our shots down on cocktail napkins. Jake's hand grazed my hip as he slid the phone back to his back pocket with his left hand as his right hand reached across me to grab a glass.

"Cheers," Austin began, sliding his hand down my arm until my fingers rested lightly in his outstretched hand. "Cheers to an adventure that will benefit Galloway Ranch and all our endeavors here, for one and for all."

Jake's arm brushed against me again, as he leaned around me to clink glasses with Austin and then me. I inhaled his scent as he moved away, noting the same warm, cocoa and coffee scent that had intoxicated me earlier. 

After tossing back my shot of Jameson I watched Jake take his second shot and then wipe his lip with the pad of his thumb. My own thumb twitched with the desire to do the same. 

"I hate to cut this short, Ginny, I really do," Jake said in his deep, fluid voice. "But the dinner service calls. I hope to see you very soon."

I nodded in agreement and added, "I'm sure you will."

Jake brushed a knuckle along my jawline in a very fifties gesture, making me laugh before he gave Austin a fist bump and turned to walk out of the lounge.

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