chapter thirty-seven

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       "They look so peaceful." I examined as Hakoda, Chit Sang and Suki calmly slept in their sleeping bags around the fountain. "Our group is pretty big now, i wouldn't have ever guessed it would become like a big family."

"Do you mean that in a good way?" Zuko wondered as he pulled me closer into his warm embrace, making me wrap one of my legs around his waist to get comfortable.

"Of course, even though i miss how quiet it used to be every now and then."

"Well, if you think it's too crowded, i'll just go back to the Fire Nation and you'll have one less mouth to feed." Zuko teased, earning a playful slap on the chest from me.

"Oh, come on. I have you now, what more could i ask for?" I looked up at my boyfriend, admiring his handsome features.

Just as Zuko was about to speak, he was interrupted by an explosion coming from above the temple, causing the ground to tremble as black smoke formed around everyone, waking them all up in the process.

As the gang all huddled around each other, not being sure what to do or what's causing the ruckus, the stoned ceiling above Katara began to crumble up, indicating that it would all fall down on her at any moment. Just as i was about to warn her, Zuko already beat me to it and pushed her out of the way, then landing on her in the process as the ceiling collapsed and separated the rest of our group from the two of them.

"Katara! Zuko!" I called out for them, but didn't get a response.

As i focused all of my attention on the firebender and waterbender, worrying about their safety, i didn't realize that Haru and Toph used earthbending to create a giant hole in the wall of the temple, creating a cave for us to escape through.

"We can get through here!" Toph pointed towards her masterpiece, trying to lead us into the cave as Katara and Zuko rejoined us, but Appa was refusing to enter the tunnel because of his phobia, no matter how hard Aang pulled onto his bridle.

"Come on, Appa!" I tried my best to encourage the bison to follow us, then noticed that Zuko left my side and booked it towards the explosions that slowly kept bringing the island down.

"Zuko, what are you doing?" Aang questioned him as he also acknowledged that he had gone towards the combustion.

"You guys go ahead, i think this is a family visit!" Zuko quickly turned around and informed us, then continued to make his way towards the thick smoke, then disappearing into it.

"Zuko!" I began to sprint towards him, my instincts telling me i had to help, but then Katara and Sokka held me back, not allowing me to follow him.

"We need to get out of here!" Sokka shook my shoulders, trying to bring me back to reality as the rest of the group helped Aang attempt to force Appa into the cave, but it still wasn't working.

"I can't get him to go in there!" Aang fretted as Appa played tug of war with his bridle, letting out unpleasant roars and still refusing to enter the tunnel.

"Aang, there's no way we can fly out of here!" Katara stated the obvious, pulling Appa's bridle with all of her strength.

"We have to find a way!"

"We need to split up." Sokka ordered everyone, then made his way towards Hakoda, Chit Sang, Suki, Haru, The Duke, and Teo, who were already standing inside of the cave, waiting for everyone to accompany them. "You guys go ahead, take the stolen air ship!"

"No!" A tear escaped Katara's eye as she made an angry expression. "The Fire Nation can't separate our family again!"

"We fought so hard to bring everyone back together, only to part ways again?" I joined in, stating my opinion.

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