3: Getting Used To My New Self

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[This chapter and the other one that you just read are in the same day]

[* 3rd POV *]

After the 'task'..

Jay knows what's going to happen next. He's still going to sit beside her. He keeps thinking that this can't go any worse. Or can it?

"God hella damn it." Jay groaned. "All this stress just for a god damn seat." He Said pissed. "All I need is something to make it much more worse."

As much Jay hates it, he already knows that he has to deal with the consequences. Even though he didn't cause it. At this rate, Jay started to give people 'The Look'. It's actually Jay giving people the scariest death stare than they can imagine. "So how it feels being the center of attention?" Riley asked. "And what do you mean by that?" Jay asked. "Well, sorry to trigger you more but now people are spreading rumors about you not wanting to sit beside her."

Like all the others, Jay almost made Riley piss himself by the 'The Look'. "Okay..uh.. ima just stay out of your way then..uh later!" Riley Said going back to his seat immediately. 'Ugh..here comes the queen of the academy.' Jay thought. He just put his head down on the table and closed his eyes just not make eye contact with her because it would take 5 hours for his death stare to ware off. "This is getting weird." Exon Said In Jay's mind. 'Ya think?'

"Well yes. Considering that all the students want to murder you just by sitting with the princess of Crystailn."
'Wait. You also know about them?'
"Technically yes. Why? You want me to tell you?"
'Hell yeah please. Like more information.'
"Alright. Starting off with Eva's parents, who are also known as the powerful god and goddess. Her father, Eldridge. They say that he was formed from a piece of a sun, which they called it, 'The Tear Of The Sun'. Her mother, Endora, was formed of the power of the 3rd moon of Crystalin, which exploded which made her to be born. As they aged, they were in different dimensions and they were attacked the lord of the underworld. The leader, Hades. The victory went to Eldridge and Endora. Also in that battle, that's were they meet and learned about each other. Skipping 20 years, they engaged and skipping more 15 years, they mated and there was born the 5 princesses of Crystalin. Eva being the 2nd offspring, the other 4 being somewhere else in the multiverses."
'Damn. What are the other 4 doing?'
"Of what I heard is that they are defending the multiverses from who knows what."
'Sounds normal enough.'

For the rest of the time, Jay and Exon was talking about Eva's family tree. Better than listening to a teacher for 5 hours straight.

>>> One Eternity Later >>>

"Time for lunch. I am damn hungry." Jay Said. "And it looks like my death stare wore off."

"H-Hey Jay." Riley Said nervously. "Don't worry my death stare wore off. Now we need to find Ivrette to show us the way to the cafeteria." Jay Said. Riley sighed in relief. "Guys, Ivrette is over here." Lex said. They followed him. "Oh hey guys. Sorry to hear about the rumors. They're probably annoying you." Ivrette Said.

"You have no idea how hella annoying that crap is." Jay Said triggered. "Yeah, its best not to piss him off since he's been like that for the last 5 hours." Lex said. "Anyway, I'm starving as hell." Jay Said.

>>>> One Eternity Later >>>>

"You have got to kidding me." Jay Said. What's happening is that the crowd like in the morning was there..again. The same thing about Onyx begging to Eva to be with him. "I swear I'm gonna yell to move the hell away if they don't move." Jay Said while Jose is trying to clam him down. "I already told you. No." Eva said. "What do I need to do to make you fall for me?" Onyx Said in a Royal way and bowing down in front of her. "There's nothing to change my mind. Now leave me be." Eva said.

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