4: No Business With You..Can You Stop Stalking Me?

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[* 3rd POV *]

Not so many things happened after the test. It's been 2 days since the group joined the academy. Jay was getting more stronger and stronger by training with Ivrette and Elden. That also means that Jay has a chance to protect his friends from whatever Onyx do to them. But Jay keeps getting this sense. A sense of being followed. That sense was going on for 4 days.

Jay was walking by himself to get to class. Mainly because his friends are still preparing themselves for today. "Exon, are you playing me?" Jay asked him. "No. Why?"
"I keep getting this feeling. I don't know what it is. A 'I'm being followed' felling."
"Hm. I not sure ether. I'll keep senses high just in case."

He kept walking. He felt the sense high. He looked back, nothing. He shrugged it off and continued. Again, high senses, looking back, nothing. "I got an idea."
"What is it?"
"Ima walk backwards and you tell me if there's anybody behind me so I can dodge them."
"Sounds dumb but at the same time it sounds good."
"You'll never know if you don't try it."

They did it. So far so good. Jay's senses didn't spark, and he was able to make it to class. "That was strange. Perhaps something's wrong with me." Jay Said. "You look fine to me. The only way to prove it is to wait and see if something happens."
"Yeah. You're right."

Jay laid his head down on the table. "And the queen should enter any moment now.." Jay Said. And Eva entered the class. Everyone got out of her way so she can reach her seat. When she sat, continued to read the same book from the last 2 days.
"Getting that recall of what you talked about with Eva aren't you?"
'You're In my head so what do I expect for you knowing what I know?'
"You got me there. But still."
'Fine. Yes I am. I feel bad for her just by being forced to love someone that she doesn't love. And nobody would even stand up for her. It's f#%ed up.'
"I know. Since your breakout from the cafeteria, it almost looks like she's depending on you."
'But why me?'
"Well because you're the only one who did it first out of all the students of this huge academy. She even said it."
'...point taken.'
"If you want to shake the thought off, then I recommend talking to Riley."
'Not a bad idea anyway. What can possibly go wrong?'

Jay Stand up and walked to Riley just to start a conversation of some kind. At that moment, his senses pitched. He shrugged it off again. "Got anything weird to say?" Jay asked him. "I eventually do," Riley said. "Some guy said about a cute angel going to the guy's bathroom and sucking him off."

Jay gave Riley the 'hold the hell up' Face. "Perhaps this was a bad idea anyway." Exon said. 'You tell me.' Jay walked back to his seat. 'Now what?'
"Talk To Eva."
'All that's gonna end up with every single person to stare at me with daggers.'
"You'll never know if you don't try it. Just like you said right?"
'..I'm not taking any chances.'
"Do it."
"Do it."
"Do it, Do it, Do it, Do it, Do it!"
"I won't stop until you do."

Jay wanted to say something. But he couldn't. He had no idea what to say. "Just say, hey. Like Miles from that one meme that you seen before."
'That's just a meme. It's gonna make me look like a dumbass.'
"What about starting a conversation about what happened 2 days ago. Before the test, like when you woke up resting on her lap, you falling, and you-"
'Okay that's enough information.'

"Um. Hey?" Jay Said. She just looked at him. emotionless. Nothing to say. 'F#% this is getting bad!'
"Let me take it from here."
'Wait, wait!'

Jay couldn't control his body again. "You know, from what I remember 2 days ago when you and I talked about the breakout I had in the cafeteria, and then me waking up resting on your lap, talking about everything. Yeah I still couldn't forget that beautiful face, with that smile and silver hair. I can already get lost in your eyes. I can already tell why all the guys fall for you." Jay [Mainly Exon] Said. She blushed a little at this for a moment and she used her book to cover her face to not reveal her blush. Jay got full control of his body again.

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