9: The Battlements Of Domination

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Today's the day. The day were I know I'm gonna get my ass kicked. To tell the truth, I was ready for it. "Jay.. Jay get up." Jose Said. I groaned and moved. "Come on man. We have a day head of us." He added. I continued sleeping like there's no tomorrow.

"Fine, is you don't then I'll.." He Said. Suddenly he pushed me out of my bed, making me hit the ground head first. "OW!! What the hell?!" I Said. "You wouldn't get up so I had to make you." Jose Said. My vision was still burry so it took me a small while to clear my vision back to normal.

I looked at myself at the mirror that our dorm had. I could see my messy hair standing up like an explosion went off front of me. "Class is about to start soon. I'll met ya there." Jose Said, and took off. "Yea." I Said every tired.

>>> Time Skip >>>

It look me like 25 minutes to myself ready and all. I got out of my dorm and head to class too. "Like Jose Said, we have a big day ahead of us." Exon Said. I knew what he meant. The team death match. The bad part is that I don't have 2 teammates to join or help me out during the fight. So that meant I'm all on my own.

"We need to come up with something. Only 5 hours of class then it's going down." I Said. I continued thinking about it. Eventually I made it to class. I sat were I now normal sat. Beside a future goddess. How do I know that? Isn't it that difficult to find out anyway. I sighed.

I didn't realize this until now. I laid my head down to take small 6 minute nap until I felt paper that wasn't there before. It had something written in it. "Turn back now so you don't hurt yourself, please?" That was written on the paper. I looked at Eva.

Her full attention was on a book. "Aw, that's sweet." Exon Said. 'Well can't say it was her. Probs someone else.' I thought. As I was about to drift to sleep. That's what I wish I could.

"Jay-Jay!" Called out a voice. 'Oh no! Please no!! ANYTHING BUT HER!!!' I yelled in my mind. Out of the classroom's door, Lisa was standing there. I reacted quickly and hid under the table. When I say this, I'm not even kidding. I went lightning fast when I went underneath the table.

I was shaking as hell. Scared for my life and my.. you know what. I didn't nor couldn't hear her. I thought I was in the clear. Key word: 'thought'.

Immediately Lisa head popped out beside me. "AH S#%!!" I yelled. I jumped and of course, I hit my head against the table. I got out underneath the table and sat back on my seat. Well Lisa, being the perverted succubus she is, she sat on my lap and faced me. Everyone's attention was now on both of us.

"L-L-Lisa?! What do you think you're doing?!" I Said out loud. She began rubbing herself on my lap. "Hunting my pray~" She said. She started kissing my neck and worked her way to my face slowly. She was even licking my neck which made me blush so hard, and made me extremely uncomfortable.

In the corner of my eye I saw Eva looking at us both with a extremely shock expression. Lisa looked at Eva and sticked her tongue out at her and faced me, continuing her session. Lisa putted her hand against my chest and slowly worked her way to my pants. I won't lie, I passed out from the embarrassment.

As soon she was inches away from my pants, Mrs Slora hit her head with a clipboard with a triggered face. I could also see Mrs Ella's embarrassed face from what she saw. "Head back to your class." Mrs Slora said angrily. Lisa started shaking and immediately left. Mrs Slora saw me passed out.

"Someone take him to the nurse." She said.

>>> Time Skip >>>

Jay And His idiotic Adventures [Old version]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें