6: Like Every Other Day.. Things Can Get Interesting (1/2)

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[* Jay's POV *]

When I passed Eva and Onyx, I was on great speed that I couldn't stop. If I make my wings go away, I could crash on the ground and perhaps it would result with me killed. I decided screw it. I still continued to fly and thankfully, I didn't crash into our sub teacher or headmaster, but instead. A tree. I was still alive. But very, very bruised.

Very one looked at me. "Um...made it?" I Said. "You know you could've gotten yourself killed right?" Mrs Ella Said. "Yes. I know." I Said. "How did you pass me and my darling?!" Onyx Said angrily. "Said from a person who knocked me down. I made a slingshot out of ropes and a tree. That's how I managed to gain speed and pass y'all." I Said.

Our sub teacher and our headmaster looked at Onyx. "What did I ever do to you do deserve that knock down?" I asked him. He looked at me more angrily but then his anger looked into shame because of the look our sub teacher and headmaster gave him. "What do you have to say for yourself?" Sophia Said to Onyx. He didn't say anything. "As for you Jay," Mrs Ella Said. "You won the race so your reward is the upgrade we promised from the start."

She was going to upgrade me using her own wand but she got interrupted by Lisa crashing to me. She came crashing while she was wearing my Jacket. I was nervous of what she done to my jacket. "Jay-Jay! You won!" Lisa Said. "I'm so proud of you!" She was hugging me so tight. "Let..Me..go....I......need.......Air." I Said. My face was really purple. "Oops! Sorry." She laughed and let go of me. I could see Eva's eyes full of jealousy for some unknown reason that I don't know. Lisa was still clinging onto me. "Can you let go?" I asked her. "No. You're my mate," Lisa Said. "And I really can't wait for our honeymoon!" She squeals, hugging my arm, again. Everybody had a blank face for what she just said. Eva, Sophia, and Mrs Ella were blushing.

"Just stop it. Get help please." I Said Trying to push her away from my arm. I got to say, she has a grip like a hawk so it was impossible. "C-Can I continue on with the upgrade?" Mrs Ella Said still blushing. "Y-Yes. You m-may." Sophia Said. As Mrs Ella used her wand to upgrade me, I could feel my wings, Death's Claws, and SoulBlade become more powerful. "The upgrade is complete. There will be a aircraft coming soon in 15 minutes to pick up us. Rest for now. And good job for your hard work." Sophia Said.

I found a tree and prayed that I wasn't going to fall like what happened the first day I was here. All honesty, I really had to rest. Lisa joined me of course. "Uuugh..my back hurts." I groaned. "I can help you with tha-" Lisa Said but I interrupted her. "No. I don't want to end up losing something yet. I'm not even in the right age yet so no." I Said. She stayed there silent. "Also, give me my jacket back." I Said reaching for it. "Can I kept it?" She said. "..no." I Said. She pouted and give my jacket back. I put I on but I could smell something..weird. I slowly looked at Lisa with a disgusted face. She was I whistling innocently, looking away. I just decided to tie my jacket around my hips.

'Here comes the beggar.'
"I got SoulBlade ready."

"So you managed to win. What a surprise." Onyx said. "I have to congratulate you for your victory." He Said formal. "Bruh. You knocked me out in midair." I Said. "You have to do what you need to do right?" He Said. "True, but it doesn't mean to almost killing someone." I Said. "Oh silly me," He Said. His eyes went dark for a moment. "But if it gets in the way for my love, blood is going to appear."

He walked away. "Damn. He really asking for a death wish." Exon Said. 'Perhaps He is. But consider that he can kill us in seconds, so don't act tough...yet.' I said to Exon on my mind. He started laughing. I didn't even realize that Lisa was snuggling into my arm. She made me jump. 'Ugh. Somebody, anybody. Please save me from this psycho!!' I yelled in my head. "Why are you so clingy to me?" I asked Lisa. "You're the one that changed my mind. To open my eyes and see reality. I was just gonna to kill you for the position of Eva. But I found you more worth something. Love." She said. 'All I told told you that I just wanted to help people in need! You don't have to make a big deal out of it!' I yelled in my mind. "You wanted to murder me.." I Said confused. She didn't respond and continued to make my arm uncomfortable. 'PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SAVE MEH!!!' I yelled. "Oh boy," Exon sighed. "This gonna be quite an adventure." He said chuckling.

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