11: An Accidental Adventure On The Waters (2/3)

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[* Jay POV *]

My anxiety was getting real bad now. My fear of the ocean is my greatest fear I got. I'm not scared to admit that I have other fears. But this one is my biggest one I got. I still remember how I got the anxiety of the ocean.

It was 11 years ago when I was 4. My dad wanted to see a movie that was released a long time ago. I really didn't know about it because.. I was 4 and I didn't know anything of course. My dad brought the movie online and put it on the big screen in the living room.

I was in my room playing with my toys. I was getting hungry so I stood up and started walking towards the kitchen. I was still in progress of walking properly. As I made it to the kitchen, I opened the fridge. I have no idea how I had strength but whatever. I got some juice and got chips out of a bottom cabinet.

I was gonna head back to my room until the noises of the movie got my attention. I walked towards the living room and saw both my mom and dad watching it. There was a part of the movie where a whale tapping on some glass while the other side of the glass there was people. 2 men, 1 women, and a small girl. They were asking where's the mother of the whale until a huge shark bit the whale and made it to 2 pieces instantly.

I was so scared that I ran back to my room. Whole time passed and it was my bed time. When my mom tugged me into my bed and left my room. I got the memory of that part of the movie. I was scared and I couldn't get any sleep for the entire night.
[End Of Flashback]

"So that was the reason why you're scared of the ocean for all these years?" Exon Said. "Cutting to the point, yes." I Said. I looked back at the waters and saw nothing but blue. I saw my reflection. I started preparing myself for it. "Come on Jay. You can do this, get over your fear of the ocean." I Said to myself.

I was getting ready. Although my fear was still strong, I couldn't just swim here in the surface and do nothing. "F#% it." I Said. I hold my breath and dived down and started looking for whatever might work or help me. I saw fish, coral reefs, and more ocean life. Not a single thing to help.

I went back up to catch my breath. "Bloody hell." I Said. I went back down in search of something. I swam and swam. Nothing. I swam back up for air. I was getting stressed. I continued this cycle for 29 minutes.

My urge just to yell was getting high. I was getting angry so bad. "There has to be something. There has to be." Exon Said. I was just floating on the water. I was already to give up. Until something grabbed my foot.

It caught me by surprise. It pulled me under water. My anxiety started acting up again. I was yelling stuff but nothing got out of my mouth, just muffled noises. I tried to fight back but I couldn't see what was taking me. It was difficult because the figure was moving way too fast around the water and air bubbles around me.

I couldn't do anything. I was helpless. Even if I could use my fire power, it will instantly be put out because I'm under water. I was losing hope. Why now? Why does my life come up to this moment? Don't I have something to work or live for? I really don't have no idea why. I was being pulled down. I could see the sun slowly disappearing while the more deeper I go down. Well, I guess it's time for me then.

>>> [10 hours later] >>>

I woke up. I was laying down at a bed? I sat up quickly and scared for what happened to me before. I looked at myself. I was still the same as before. "H-How am I still alive?" I asked worried. Was I in heaven? Or hell? "Relax Jay. We're still alive. But the real question is what or who was the one who pulled out down under water and for what reason?" Exon Said.

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