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I was confused, utterly confused.

" Peter ", I quietly mumbled, looking down while hoping the spell he casted upon me would end. Spoiler, it didn't.
" Ava ", Peter replied in the same quiet, concerned way as I did, "Is there a problem?"
Yes, 5'10 feet and right in front of me, I thought but didn't dare to speak out loud.
Of course not, I was sceptical, not stupid.

On the one hand, the wish of him being sincere and truely interested burnt deep within me. On the other hand, knowing that such stereotypical encounters only happened in nearly every romantic book or film put me highly on the alert.

Cliché situation, beautiful middle-aged women without any sign of wrinkles or any other evidence showing her true age met a just as stunning man who tried everything to win her over by playing Prince Charming perfectly.
I had two problems: Firstly, in this case the women playing the perfect woman was nowhere near perfect and stunning. And no, I didn't have any self-esteem issues. Alright, the latter was a solid lie.

I would love to be skinnier, prettier, et cetera, but who wouldn't to be honest?
Yet, I didn't think of myself as either ugly, unlovable and fat nor the next Giselle Bündchen. It was a mixture between those two extremes. Average suited it the most.
Secondly, this was reality. Not some novel written by a desperate woman needing a boyfriend.
Just good old, plain reality.

My conclusion out of those two crucial points was that Peter either keen on a one-night-stand making me fall for him, so he could toy with me or my money/personal wealth.

The last one was a joke since I was standing in front of him in a nurse outfit with treacherous eye bags. Maybe, I should break it off for good. I indeed had something left called dignity.
" Actually there is ", I replied still looking down. Eventually I gathered enough strength to look up, directly in his slightly confused face. " I'm trying to figure out your intentions behind your nice behaviour. Seriously, you couldn't like someone as me. Let alone, wanting to go out with me. I mean look at me. "
I did it. I in fact did it.

If I could, I would pet myself on the back and buy me a well-deserved glass of champagne. Once again, my dreams and reality didn't share too much common background.
" I do look at you and only see a stunning, capable women coming back from work. You probably saved a life or two while I on the other hand en-" He ended the sentence in his middle giving me his best apologetic and charismatic smile.
My checks turned at least one shade darker delighted to be praised. I nearly chocked on my own saliva. Peter was such a charismatic ladies' man easily wrapping every woman around his finger.
I was no exception.

Well, so much for keeping a certain distance to men, especially him. It just felt too good. Too good for my weak body to break it off cleanly.
I would surely regret my actions later. However, for the moment being I enjoyed the compliments altogether with his efforts to go out with me just too much.
This reminded me of a kindergarten child trying to have another piece of cake although it was strictly forbidden to him. The cake seemed to only have gained more and more attractiveness, so in the end the child couldn't resist and grabbed the slice.
I struggled to not eat it.

" You have a better opinion about me than there actually exists. The majority of my time, I only help people to fulfil their basic needs while checking on their stats somewhat regularly." I looked down again. If I didn't see the cake, I wouldn't desire to possess it.
His hand softly grabbed my chin. His warm touch sending dozens of shivers down my spine. Peter forced me gently to look at him.
" A horrible fire caused the death of all my beloved one's. I would have died without the help of doctors and nurses. "

His eyes letting some of the infinite pain, he must have suffered, through. This Peter was fragile and vulnerable. Heart-broken because of the loss of his family. Wishing nothing more than someone caring for him.

His pain mixed with mine nearly devouring me alive. Hot tears shot from the corner of my eyes and soon found their path down my cheeks.
" After the divorce of my parents, my father committed suicide while my mother developed a severe brain tumour." I sooner or later confessed as well.
I simply knew that I owned him the truth since he entrusted me with his painful memories of his past. Quid pro quo. Something for something.
" If you need someone to talk to, I'm always all ears", Peter whispered still not letting go of my chin. Instead, the thumb of his other hand wiped my tears with such a gentleness away It left nothing more than a tickling sensation on my skin.
" Likewise. "

The only response I received was in the form of a simple smile. Yet, it was way better than any other word could have been. The corners of my mouth couldn't resist and accepted the offer to imitate his gesture.
" I can't wait to see you at 8 pm again. "
With this statement of him, my whole body released all the dopamine it had been pilling up over the past few years. Happiness was such a pleasant emotion. The only question: How long would it last?

This part even outweighed my rational side. The side which was highly concerned about his words earlier. I haven't forgotten them, how could I?
What did he want to speak out?
While on the other hand en ...riched? En...gaged? En...ded a life or two.

Me Before you {Peter Hale}Where stories live. Discover now