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I did not know how many angels had blessed him while he had got shot or me, because I most likely would not get my throat sliced by Kali, the furious woman with long, dark hair and tanned skin. Those bullets had no lethal impact on him, so this whole surgery was not as bothersome and difficult as it could have been.
If one of the bullets had for example grazed one of his organs, there was no chance in hell I could have helped him as a nurse. Then, my responsibility would have been to call a doctor and aid other patients, since I was not capable of further treatment.
Then the chances of my death would be slightly higher. I was pretty convinced what Kali said was not just a simple shallow threat, it was the truth. She absolutely seemed perfectly capable of killing another person as harsh as it sounds.

" Your friend or relative will be fine. He now only needs rest, so please wait here as I check for a room."
Ennis nodded as I got up, swiped some of his blood away with a towel and then stormed out of the room.
Those two surely were odd, I thought as I run to the entrance hall, though the guy named Ennis seemed at least willing to negotiate with someone whereas Kali was a case for her own.
But both of them had something in common, they had people to care for and who cared for their sake. It was obvious that they liked one another deeply and that they cared for the hurt man.
This trio appeared to be very close.
Something, I have only got to experience while I had been with Peter. Pang, my hurt ached after remembering his name. How silly. I ignored this obnoxious agony and simply pushed through.
Don't be weak.

Eventually, the moment I came back, all of them were gone. No sight of Ennis, Kali or the hurt man I had just pulled two bullets out of his corpus.
I sighed accepting the fact that they probably disobeyed my instruction and left. Suddenly, after the pressure and tension in the air lessened, there was a click in my mind: They were werewolves as well.
In all of this hurry, I had no time to think about all signs they had shown: Kali's eyes appearing to shine in a familiar shade of crimson for a split second as the woman threatened me.
On top of that, as I walked out I noticed Kali didn't wear any shoes and instead exposed her sharp nails which reminded me of those I've seen on myself while I examined my body in Peter's bath.

And lastly, bullets even made out of silver usually don't behave like pure acid when found in a corpus. It all started to make sense now, I realized and sighed. They most likely chose me, because I was now also one of them.
This encounter indeed just proved to me another time how lonely and pathetic I was for not having friends or someone to care for. Even my mother did not think about calling or messaging me, every time I tried to phone her instead she was not available.
Maybe, she abandoned me as well, I thought bitter not knowing anything about her whereabouts since Devenford was twice the size of Beacon Hills. By this time, she most certainly has finished her business, so why not show up? Why not call or even leave a voicemail?

The realization hit harder than Peter's rejection yesterday, who was I trying to kid? Nothing brought more pain to someone than being shooed away like a stray cat, especially after offering your body multiple times to the person you loved. Yeah, that surely sucked.

Well after spending 35 years in this skin, I'm well aware of how much of a stupid dumbass I am.

But how on earth was it possible to overlook one of the most likely to happen scenarios?
What if something bad has happened to my mum?

Only the thought about this made shivers run down my already sweaty spine. The thought about losing another one of the beloved persons in my life nearly brought my last meal back to fresh air. My head heavily jolted from my right side to my left and backwards, my muscle tensed up, a state of total defence hijacked me. For the first time in years, a loud, husky sob escaped my mouth bringing me back to the moment when I found my father straggled up in his living room.
The scared little girl who always had been within me surfaced again crawling onto the wall for support, since no one was there to console her.

" Am I going to pass out the third time in three days, how pathetic", I bitterly chuckled trying to smile despite the hardship I was currently going through, yet this time the situation differed from the one ages ago. Growing up and having to take responsibility for others, being transformed into a wolf by the guy I loved, only to be dumped by him hours later had an impact on me. Maybe, it was only those new genes, but in the end it did not matter.

I went through so much shit already, shedding tears in this moment will not bring her back, hiding in a state of unconsciousness is a waste of time. There are still people in need of your treatment in this hospital. Dammit, Ava, wake up and be strong. You always talk so much about how you hated being weak, even though you are.

Don't be weak and save one more. Save one more.

With gritted teeth, I forced myself back up checking on patients and making sure all of them would make it through this night. It only took me another hour before I finally could unlock my little red Toyota, at this point practically falling onto the driver's seat. This day was without a doubt another draining-every-bit-of-energy-out-of-the-body-day, hell for short.
My hand automatically turned on the radio after plunging the key into it's proper place. A small glance into both driving mirrors before my car reversed out of one of the staff's parking places.

A small choir accompanied by a rhythmic melody started the intro for the currently playing song called "War Of Hearts", then a beautiful female voice began to sing, no she enchanted me making me feel the same pain she had experienced. Come to me in the night hours, I will wait for you.

Involuntarily, my mind started to lightly wander off. Of course, I still paid attention to the road, not wanting to cause an accident by any means. I can't help but love you, even though I try not to. This most certainly was the perfect moment for Peter to smilingly pop into my thoughts.
Yeah smiling, not smirking. His genuine smiles — although I did not know how much of sincerity truly laid behind them — mesmerized me and made me fall in love with him all over again.

" I'm one hell of a hopeless case ", I muttered to myself, restricting the speed of my car right before the traffic lights showing me red light. It was the same shade as his eyes.

I know I'd die without you, the singer — Ruelle — stated in deep pain. Her feelings reaching me outside the radio. For a short moment I closed my eyes taking a deep breath, the scent of Peter's Cologne clung onto my nose reminding me of how much I already started to miss him, his beautiful ocean eyes, his manly but at the same time soft touch.
First my dad, then Peter, my mum, all of them seemed to slowly vanish and fading away out of my reach in this war of hearts.

The final chords softly echoed through the interior of the car and in the exact same moment the vehicle stopped in front of the sheriffs department in the middle of the night.

A quick note from my side, I'm aware of how much of a mess this story is. After finishing it, I will make sure to edit it.
However, since I already have another idea for a story I want to work on this firstly before coming back to this one.
This story will be finished this week I promise, however since online classes are kinda occupying me currently, the chapter will most likely be written and published at night.

Enjoy and share your thoughts if you want to.

Me Before you {Peter Hale}Where stories live. Discover now