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Maybe... Just maybe, the light can reach even the bottom of a dark ocean. Peter Hale thought as their lips separated. Their lips — obviously his and the one belonging to his beta Ava Banner who glanced at him with her mouth agape.
The night of the full moon should be his ultimate triumph making him invincible. His hopes were way too high for his taste, nonetheless this excitement also had something unique to it.
" Please, don't disappoint me", he mumbled softly with vitreous eyes.
Those feelings totally overwhelmed him, he felt relieved as he realized there was only one person there seeing him in this intimate state.

Soon, she would be either traumatized or eradicated from this existence, so he had nothing to worry about. Personally, he wished that the inevitable damage only devoured her mentally, Peter did not want Ava to die. Though, it was not for her sake, but for his own.
Peter indeed was a greedy man, he longed for her, for her body, for her feelings, for her sincerity. Even if it was a useless remedy to him, he could not help himself from taking it over and over again. His wounds were so deep that only avenged blood would be able to cure it.

" Isn't it cruel to pressure me like this, Peter?" She replied with a sad smile. Something deep inside her already sensed that he would be disappointed this night. The metal chains protected her from herself, although it also left her in a state of complete vulnerability to Peter.

" Not as cruel as turning you into a beast with claws and fangs. "
" Touché ", she stated while her head faced the floor below her, "But who is more cruel. Me for seeking you or you for using me?" A bitter laugh escaped her mouth.
" That's a ridiculous question, you know that."
" I also thought the same thing at first. " Suddenly her head moved to her original position, directly facing him.
" But the more I think about it, the more I started to realize. We are both cruel. I seek you, because I want to use you. You see -" Ava slightly tilted her head to the right.

" At first I assumed you simply had borderline syndrome because of your behaviour, then a rather small epiphany hit me, you are without doubt a psychopath, Peter. To you, all people are only pawns in your twisted game. I most likely also don't mean anything to you, but despite this knowledge I keep staying by your side which is the most reckless, stupid and ... vivid decision I have ever made. I am not even sure if I would have another option with this whole werewolf thing. Sometimes plain stupidity is the reason for cruelty too. "

For the first time in his life, Peter indeed was astonished. He had planned every detail and every possible upcoming twist which could happen, yet he would have never thought in a hundred years that Ava of all people understood him the way she did. It was not the first time she shone in a special light to him.

I think your crimson eyes are beautiful.
Thank you even if it was a lie.
But despite this knowledge I keep staying by your side.

Do not mistake this as love or affection. As a psychopath, Peter was not able to feel any kind of chemical bonding to other people. It was also not true that he suddenly had even the slightest regret or self-doubt about his past and future actions, for hell's sake look the definition of a psychopath up if you expected this to happen.
What he now felt was a strange appreciation for Ava. He appreciated that she willingly sacrificed herself to benefit him.

" Maybe you are right. You are a cruel creature longing for someone who is unable to love to care for you. The only thing I am able to do is to recognize value and encroach on it. It's just like those little kid trying to catch a beautiful snowflake, but as they do so, they destroy it. "

I will destroy you too if it is necessary.

Ava had no reply to his statement whatsoever, instead an unfamiliar feeling slightly crept up her skin. For a split second, she forgot why she was here in the first place. The full moon.
Her eyelids shut themselves rather nervously as she embraced her upcoming transformation.

Peter watched every second of it. Her fight, her defeat, her awakening. Piercing golden eyes accompanied by an inhuman growl. She at least did survive.
He already mentally prepared himself for the procedure to plant his memory inside her to ultimately perfect his plans, however a hidden obstacle caught him off guard.
More precisely, a screaming woman covered in a white dress as he stepped closer to the hissing werewolf. He rolled with his eyes signalling his annoyance.
So this was the hint of supernatural he had sensed as he first met her.
" Of course, it never goes exactly as imagined", he growled with his deep voice, his frustration quickly rose.

Peter grit his teeth, the canine teeth already piercing through his flesh. Anger started to boil inside him, just like as he was in coma. Voices of devouring hatred whispered him acid words out of the dark.
Just as the situation suggested was it no problem to take Ava out, he quickly punched her unconscious hoping this was the solution to shut this weird woman down.
It was not.

Obviously, she did not scare him the slightest. Peter Hale had already seen worse demons than her, including himself. The real issue was that she blocked Ava's memory to the extent where he could not implant his own memories and this enormously pissed him of.
Just like a banshee, this ghost could not keep her mouth shut. She wept and cried as if there was no tomorrow. To him, she was nuisance and on top of that she procured him a horrible tinnitus.
The longer the fight between those two continued, the more the urge to go berserk occurred.

He clicked with his tongue as he eventually stepped back from the unconscious Ava.
" Useless ", he muttered as the door banged against its frame.

And now his beautiful queen was heaved and hence out of the game. 

Quick info: This book will soon be finished.(Currently, I'm planing on writing five more chapters as well as the epilogue) I am tempted to publish one or more chapters this night, though it would be a challenge to finish it this night, but who knows? I am kinda up for this. 

Hope you enjoyed,

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