Chapter 39: Front Men Take An L

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Okay, it's time to find out what the heck Cam is doing at Ashlynn's parents' house. We learn a few other important things that resolve some nagging questions in our backstory, too...about Ashlynn's parents and why they've acted so sketch for...well, basically the whole series...

Song is Like I'm Going To Lose You by Meghan Trainor and John Legend. It just seems to fit so well with Michael's thought and Leed's speech at the end of the chapter...


Ashlynn's hand is shaking when she punches the code into the front door keypad. It's weird how that causes such mixed emotions in me. Mostly it makes me feel protective. I don't like to see her shaking at the thought of confrontation.

But there's something else. Something darker.

I just spent three days, deep with her. Deeper than I ever thought I could go. I feel sure in us. Surer than I have ever felt about anything. I would bet my life that Ashlynn feels the same way.

And yet Cam Martin still moves her. I wish to fuck he didn't, but the truth is coming off her in waves. He moves her and she probably needs to stop running from that because if she doesn't, he'll drive her forever.

She bows her head with her hand on the knob, like she the last thing she wants to do is go in, and I don't know what the fuck to do, but my instinct pushes us both. I squeeze her shoulders, put my hand over hers on the lever and open the door.

She doesn't call out like maybe she should have. We make our way silently through the house, hand in hand, looking for signs of life. As we glide through the living room her father's voice spills from the kitchen.

"No—it's not that I have a problem with Cam at all. God knows he loved her and he did his best, and now that she's better...a reconciliation with Cam might be inevitable. But...this? I have concerns. We should talk about this."

"There's nothing to discuss." Her mother's voice is clipped, sure. "This isn't about Ashlynn and Cam. This is about decency. The boy took care of our daughter when I couldn't. Now he's sick, Michael. Sick and alone. There's no question what we have to do."


My gut twists, and I feel like I might vomit right here on the Ballard's fancy Persian rug.


That's it. That's my whole reaction to the overheard words. I don't have any clue what's going on, but I don't have to know the details to know what happens next.

Ashlynn's hand slips from mine as she quickens her pace and rounds the corner to the kitchen.

"Cam's sick?"

I'm a step behind her, quick enough to see the shock, the guilt, and then the look of solidarity that passes between Mike and Ellen Ballard. Mike automatically moves closer to Ellen, putting a hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze almost exactly like the one I gave Ashlynn at the door. Then he moves past her and comes to embrace Ashlynn.

"Sweetheart, this is a surprise," he smiles at his daughter. His eyes cut to me. They twitch—like he's resisting a natural tendency for them to automatically narrow when he looks at me—but he puts out a hand. "Leed." There's an edge in his voice as he greets me.

"Michael." I return to the tone.

Ashlynn ignores us both, slipping from her dad, maneuvering to face her mother.

"Is Cam sick?" Ashlynn's voice is high, strained.

Ellen floats a hand to her throat and then reaches it out to Ashlynn. "Darling, his prognosis is very good."

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