Chapter 64: Legends Improvise

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Surprise surprise...we get to hear from Matt in this chapter! This was also pretty fun to write, because we see a new side of Matt. He's not the crazy rock star dad, here...more like the bad-ass of his youth...

Matt del Marco

I'm only half aware of the back pats, congrats, and "see ya's at your place" as I climb over seats in the aftermath of the show. Lots of cameras flash as I vault over one last row and swoop up my Doodle in a bear hug.

"So proud of you, Rowan," I kiss her forehead. "Your talent and your drive just won't be suppressed, not even by your dick of an overprotective father."

She smiles and I think I see an extra glimmer of sheen to her grey eyes that are so like mine and her brothers, but then she shuts down her softness and scowls. "Don't try to kiss my ass. I know it was your idea to leave Strut out of the show opener."

That's true, but it was strictly strategic decision at this point. I didn't want Strut to be eclipsed by Dev and Mac's powerhouse performance, or the Skids Marcs-Soundcrush tour announcement. Coming off their Grammy, they'll get top billing at the AMA'sin a couple of months. These girls deserve their own spotlight.

"Sorry, Baby, but producers make those calls," I lie to her. "But Strut's star is rising, you can bank on it now. I better get my five seconds of shared fame with you, before mine burns out. Bring it in, girls," I tell these young women, most of whom I've known since they wore pigtails and too much pre-teen makeup. A professional roaming photographer snaps a picture. "Make sure Angelo Moran gets that for the wall at Colossal," I tell him and he grins, "Sure thing, Matt!"

I give more hugs all around, and hustle back over the seats to Marianne. I'm pretty fucking tired, and my foot catches on the last seat I try to hurdle, falling hard against one of our security guys, who rights me quickly, but not quick enough that my spill misses Annie's eyes.

She tucks herself beneath my shoulder. "Worn out from frolicking onstage with your most famous fangirl?"

"Damn straight. Too old for that shit--dancing on pianos with chics half my age."

Annie's not the least bit phased by my onstage flirtation with Mac, even though it had slipped my mind to tell her it was planned. She's the strongest, most self-confident woman I know, and that's one of the reasons I love her and a big part of why we are so rock solid.

Thirty years of seeing me make out with hotties in videos, bringing fans on stage to sing to, and even the shitpots of lies about me cheating, that show up in the tabloids during every tour...Marianne weathers it all without jealousy. I'm no saint, and I'm not saying there weren't temptations in the early years, but I've never been unfaithful to her and she knows it. She's sure in my love, and I couldn't have kept this Skid Marcs bus on the road all this time if we didn't have the trust we do.

My girl is now beaming at me, making me feel seventeen. "You'll never be too old for this. The opener was fantastic— hilarious and rock hard, too."

I'm honestly glad to hear her so say, because she'd tell me the truth if the "skit" had bombed. "Thanks, baby. I was nervous as shit about the acting part."

She pats my chest. "You were pitch perfect. But your protege stole the show. He's a helluva performer," she gives Leed a nod.

It's a little strange to think of Leed as a protege. I typically think of Row as my "protege" but now I have this weird split with Trace and his bandmates. God knows, every single one of themneed a little guidance in this rock star life. As much as Trace needs a dad he can trust, he also needs a mentor that he knows how to keep a band together and relevant. Adam and Mac need the example of a marriage in the business. Bodie is like Row—he needs a swift kick in the ass to adjust his attitude, and he needs to know a father figure has his back no matter what, but I haven't had time to deal with his tough act bullshit, because Leed has been giving me fits professionally these last couple of weeks.

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