Act I Damned to Hell

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Deku's POV

A portal opened directly behind them. The same dark misty portal I had seen before. The same one that gave birth to the incident with All Might and the Nomu back at the USJ. The adrenaline wore off and the pain in my arms was almost unbearable. Almost.

"KACCHAN" I screamed hoping that my voice would do something, anything to aid me.

I ran and didn't stop regardless of the pain. With my arms throbbing and throat getting dry something grabs my feet. It's cold and heavy. I look down to see a fiery portal with chains wrapped around my feet. Seconds later that cold metal ignites bringing me tears due to the pain. Hands come from the portal as I'm slowly pulled into the portal beneath me.

I look to Kacchan who's face is one of shock and confusion. Wait so is the villains face. Was this not planned? Is this someone else's doing?

As my lower body is through the portal I'm pulled through and yell his name one more time, "KACCHAN".

My vision goes black once I'm beyond the portal and surrounded by, wait what is that thing?

I started shaking. Sweet when down my head as I looked forward into a horde of monsters. Where they Nomu's? But that doesn't explain where I am.

I run, I run and don't look back the pain in arms had gotten worse and the chains burnt my feet but I'm not stopping. Fear put adrenaline back into my body so running with my arms like that is my best bet.

"Over there- wait. Is that a kid?"

A man in full body armour stood at the other side.

"HOLD ON THERES A KID HERE" he says to another armoured comrade.

"Shit you're right" his comrade says. "Come on kid hurry" he shouts toward me.

I sprint full speed towards the men as bullets pass by me to the monstrous beings behind me. I reach the two men who then lead me to there group.

"Alright open the portal" one states.

"There's to many, the demonic level is too high" another says this time a feminine voice. Demonic? As in demons and hell?

Am I in hell?

"Unless we get rid of these demons the portal won't open" the feminine voice proclaims. 'Are we gonna die here? I don't even know what's going on'. Tears stream down my face as the pain in my arms worsen. My arms, that's it my quirk!

I raise my broken arm that isn't bruised and waste two fingers. The air pressure sends the demons far back as well as rocks, killing them in the process. I had to kill them.

The soldiers are stunned, like they've never seen a quirk before.

I say as loud as I can muster at the moment "IS THAT ENOUGH?"

"Uh y-yeah. Opening portal now" she says to me.

The man who found man shouts "EVERYONE IN, NOW!"

He grabs and darts into the portal as others follow. I'm thrown on the ground by the man and quickly say my thanks for saving me.

"No kid. Thanks for saving me" he states and swings the butt of his gun into my face.

         Hours later back at UA

            Third person POV

The damage had been done. 3 missing, countless injured, many of them students. People were furious. The heavy fire rained upon UA was so obvious anyone could see it and the biggest question was one with seemingly no answer.

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