Act V What Monsters Fear

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I actually like strawberry milk better than chocolate milk. Is that just me? Also minor manga spoilers ahead.

Narrators POV



The mans body was reduced to a few bones and small chunks of meat while the rest of his body was sitting in the stomach of several other demons. The now dead man had been unlucky unlike most who get eaten by larger demons much quicker.

"For a human, your good. If I hadn't of gotten here earlier these demons would have eaten you and all your Nomu" the marauder spoke honestly.

Ujiko, a Doctor working for the league of villains smiled. Although he was terrified of the talking demons presence, he helped the doctor in a way.

"I thank you. I would've never gotten the chance to create such beautiful beings. These 'demons' are the perfect vessel to house quirks. The Nomu I've created and will create, oh how I love it!" The doctor said with a devilish laugh echoing of the walls of the lab.

Surrounding them were over a hundred tubes, 69 waiting to be filled while the remaining 31 were filled with demons that went through the same process as Nomu's. Demons wandered the lab eating anything they collected outside of the lab. Anything living that the marauder said was allowed. He didn't any of Ujiko's men to be killed, not yet anyways.

"Soon, your work will pay off Ujiko. And I'll free this All for Onr from prison." The marauder exclaimed causing Ujiko to smile back.

"But first, we deal with the one called Deku. I'll kill him with the power you gave me." The marauder's voice was serious and cold yet the hatred was there. His aura was powerful and gave away one thing about him.

He was ready to kill.

                       Else Where

Most of class 1-a was in the common area. Some were sitting at the couch others chatting or just popping in to say hi. Bakugou fell into neither of these categories. He was sitting at the table finishing his dinner. He'd been caught up in the facts that Deku was back and everybody just believed his story. Bakugou wasn't stupid, he knew he was hiding something. Bakugou could always tell even when they were kids.

Bakugou's POV

"Oi Kacchan." Great.

"What is it dunce face? And don't call me that!" I was too exhausted mentally to yell. I didn't want the attention either.

"Me and Mineta were going on about girls in the class and I realized, you've never showed an interest in any, of course that's not unlike but I've got to know..." the idiot stopped before finishing just to whisper in my fucking ear "anyone you're interested in?"

"Like hell." I responded. I looked around. Too much of a know it all. Too loud. A frog?

I then looked at Uraraka. I respect her. She got guts. And her features are nice but I don't feel anything when I look at her.

"Not one of bastards stand out apart from raccoon eyes, but she's too damn noisy."

Even if I did feel that way I've got better things to worry about. I'm a hero, not some protagonist of some shitty romance.

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