Act VIII Unbreakable Enemy

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Team Bakugou.

It was Bakugou himself, Iida, Mineta, Asui and Sero.

They were proven capable in speed but overpowering their enemies was often a challenge.

"What a damn, mess." Bakugou said to himself.

He looked at the piles of rubble that used to be buildings. The distant inhuman screams belonging to demons and the half eaten corpses that they left behind.


What he was referring to was a civilian that somehow survived the chaos.
The survivor appeared to be a woman in her early to mid twenties with short brown hair and blood dripping from her head. She was conscious.

"There should be a hospital down the street somewhere. We'll walk their Witt the survivors here." Iida exclaimed with his robotic gestures.

"Sound good, ribbit."

                    Boom Boom

A distant booming sound sent the ground beneath them shaking. The booming sound grew larger and larger till eventually the sound stopped near a large building.

"W-what the h-hell was that?" Mineta whispered to scared to speak up.

Before anyone could answer the building collapsed leaving a cloud of dust and debris falling from the crashing building.

"EVERYONE BEHIND ME" Bakugou yelled loudly.

Once he group obeyed he blasted an explosion in front of him destroying incoming debris.

"Nice save Bakugou!" Sero

"A well thought plan" Iida added.

The dust started to clear and a Shadow was seen through the dust cloud. It was almost as tall as the 6 story building.

Bakugou eyes widened and whipped his head around, "MOVE YOUR ASSESS!" Bakugou shouted.

A blast was fired from the mist and an explosion killed several rescued civilians.

"FUCK!" Bakugou yelled out in anger. He looked toward where the blast came from and was shocked for a moment.

A demon larger than any he had seen emerged from the dust. One arm replaced with a canon like blaster as well as several different body part being replaced with mechanical parts.



Bakugou obeyed immediately knowing they needed a plan or at least prep time.

Suddenly spikes rose up creating an arena type area around them and the demon.

"This isn't good." See exclaimed nervously.

"I hadn't noticed, ribbit." Asui retorted with a hint of sarcasm.

They were trapped. They were surrounded with no place to go. Only one who could leave was Bakugou due to the air mobyof his quirk. The spike were like knives with shark edges sand faces all around so Sero's tape was a no go. The walls were too big for Asui to jump over and Mineta already left them behind after climbing the walls.

"Mineta, her back here this instant!" Iida shouted. But it was too late, he was long gone now. How long he would survive is completely different question.

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