Act VI Reason to Kill

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Stuff is about to go down in the manga of My Hero Academia...

They split into teams. A large group of people wouldn't cover much ground, they would just slow Midoriya down anyway. He tried to protect as many as possible though.

Midoriya, Kirishima, Uraraka, Mina and Tokoyami. That was the group he led.

Bakugou and Todoroki would lead there own groups. Izuku hopes they would be enough to protect the others.

'Kill them, kill them all'

Izuku had heard that voice before. He had always chose to ignore. He didn't want to go nuts completely, he always hoped he back home, preferably without the demons.

But now, demons surrounded them.

"Deku, what to we do?" Uraraka asked him.

"Isn't it obvious" Midoriya ready his fists. He could feel there bones crunching already.

"We kill them."

Before they could process what he just said Izuku dashed towards the biggest demon that surrounded them.

A demon with guns attached to its arms and glowing green eyes.

A green blur sped past it and a whole suddenly appeared in the figures stomach. The whole was big enough to make its body collapse in on its self.

The demons attacked his classmates and Kirishima seemed to be in the defensive protecting Uraraka who's quirk wasn't suited for killing enemies that were this fast.

Kirishima's hardening easily cut through the demons where as Uraraka would take on the bigger slower enemies.

Her quirk lifted the demons she had touched into the air and waited till there distance was at least 10 meters high.

With a loud thud there bodies splattered on the hard ground leaving them into a pile of there own body that was now chunks of its former self.

Mina and Tokoyami however, are having a much better time against the demons.

If Mina was able to kill, then she could let loose on her acid killing any threat without holding back.

Tokoyami was a great defensive player with Dark Shadow being a long distance fighter and close range.
Being able to use him as a shield is pretty useful too. Especially when helping Mina.

With the area cleared they moved down the street. Heroes were helping as much as they could. So they decided move further down the street away from UA.

Of course before then, Deku lent a hand in killing as many demons as he could.

"Midoriya." Tokoyami called.

Midoriya beat his knuckles into the demons head until it was mush. He purposely turned off his quirk to enjoy beating a demon to death. After it's face was turned to mash potatoes he turned his attention towards Tokoyami.

"Do you have any leads? Or even a goal as to where we should go is?" The chicken of darkness said seemingly calmer than the rest of his comrades.

Izuku's phone lit up. He had been careful not to lose it. He grabbed his phone out of a secure pouch and saw a message.

The message was from Mei Hatsume.

Izuku glances at the information "I have our goal right here."

He flashed his phone at the group.

"We've got a location."

Suddenly a few crackles of electricity sparked near there feet.

"RUN!" Izuku shouted.

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