Act IX Battle Tendency

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This chapter was much easier to write then the last couple chapters honestly. Hope you enjoy!

There wasn't much effort needed to eliminate his enemies.

Shoto Todoroki made quick work of the demons he faced. Having a full team made things even easier.

Kaminari, Jirou, Momo amd Sato. A pretty efficient team.

Or rather, WAS a pretty efficient team. An explosion caused by an oil truck blowing up was the start of an intense battle with a Demon more powerful than the rest.

"Is everyone alright?" Todoroki shouted into the mist. The ash and dust brushed against his eyeballs stinging them causing him to squint his eyes. He patted around and felt an arm. When the dust cleared he saw Momo barely conscious.

With a piece of shrapnel lodged in her stomach. She was bleeding but it wasn't bad.

He laid her down and analyzed the wound. He saw the piece metal object and estimated it hadn't gone deep, not that deep anyway.

"Hey hey, you're gonna be alright okay, I'm gonna pull the object out okay?" Todoroki spoke to her.

She nodded weakly. And and he gave a quick pull. She screamed in agony as the blade left her body.

"I'm gonna sear the wound closed with my flames so prepare yourself."

"W-wait Todo-" Momo was cut off by a unbearable pain coming from her abdomen. She arched her back letting out a blood curdling scream. Her body collapsed passing out from the burning pain.

Todoroki finished searing the wound, ripping off a piece of his hero costume and wrapping the thin cloth around Momo's waist covering the wound.

Todoroki stood up ready to look for the rest, he wouldn't stray to far from Momo being weary of demons.

However, as soon as he turned around his entire body stopped in shock and horror,

Kaminari, a boy that the people in class 1-A could call a friend was on the ground with Jirou sobbing the ground beside him.

His lifeless eyes looked in Todoroki's direction. He had been impaled, causing his lungs to fill up with blood, killing him.

Todoroki couldn't believe his eyes. He couldn't move. And then from the cloud of dust behind Jirou bullets rained down on her. Her body was ripped to shreds by the impact of the bullets. Her body fell next to Kaminari's, both now lifeless corpses.

What emerged from the dust was a huge Spider like monster with an exposed brain and mechanical arms and body parts.

It readied it's leg ready kill Todoroki.

Todoroki was too shocked by the events that occurred to move. He realized Momo would be left alone and looked the demon in its eyes.m, preparing for the worst.

"SUGAR RUSSH!" A voice yelled.

It was Sato, launching fist after fist at the ginormous being.

"ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA, ORA!" Sato yelled as his barrage of punches ceased to stop.

The spider being impales the sugar man through the stomach, ready to shoot him as his body was on the end of its leg in the air.

Sato looked to Todoroki and yelled as loud as he was able to,


Todoroki let a few tears fall from his stinging eyes. He knew he had to do something while the spider mastermind was distracted. He readied his right side making a large ice glacier rage at the demon hoping to impale straight through its face. As it neared the demons eyes he closed his eyes waiting to hear the splatter of the demons flesh.

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