Act II Origin of madness

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I like to put detail into the little things, to get the reader to visualize what the character is seeing. Anyway I'm craving ramen. Any ramen will do, except sea food ramen.

Narrators POV

It's been three weeks since Izuku Midoriya's kidnapping, three weeks on earth anyway. Hell was little different. And so was the place he was now. The place was built like a modern castle with high tech labs and training meant to put people through hell. Izuku was seen for his incredible strength thanks to his quirk that they seemingly had little to no knowledge on.

In the eyes of the higher ups, including the Khan Makyr her self, he was important. So his training would build his body for better use of his 'quirk' that they found to be a genetic mutation.

The sounds of bones crunching and fists beating a lifeless corpse could be heard in the distance.

"AAAAHH" Izuku screamed bashing the demons head in. He had gotten used to the killing. It was him or a demon and he was looking forward to the day he could go back. Go back and train with All Might. Get scolded by Iida for breaking a minor rule, sitting next to Ochako during lunch hell, he even missed Bakugou's rants on him being a nerd.

Suddenly the facility's speaker started blaring 'Unknown threat incoming.'
Izuku had a pretty good idea on what kind of threat it was.

15 minutes had passed.

15 minutes, and 48% off the facility's soldiers were dead and all defences were down.

Izuku left the small colosseum he was forced to fight in to the front gates where the same female soldier and her squad showed up to meet him.

Deku's POV

"You, what's your name?" She asked.

"Deku" I didn't hesitate. I couldn't, I just want to kill demons. Woah. When did I get so intense?

"Well Deku" she started, the gate between us started to raise as she handed me what looked like a shotgun "let's rip and tear, eh?"

I nod. This'll be fun.

We rush down hallways with doors way bigger than me, at least 13 feet.

We reach the gate to the outside and compared to the other soldiers I'm rather lacking in protection. No turning back now I guess.

"Everyone listen close. We are the most capable bunch of soldiers to get this job done. We head for the far tower, apparently we have a crucible there so if we get our hands on that we can turn this around, and we have superman over there so that's a plus" she pointed at me for last part. I have so many questions but I have a feeling that's gonna have to wait.

The gates open slowly as light from the outside hits my face. I quickly realize that I was not ready for this.

There are so many of them and there all different. Most of them were already  gnawing on a corpse some were just grinding bones in between their teeth. Others wandering Aimlessly until all demonic eyes laid on us. They started to rush at us as the soldiers unloaded gunfire into the demons flesh.

I was frozen. I had never seen such graphic acts but they were demons.

I threw away my shotgun due to his lack of experience.

"The hell are you doing kid? Start killing" the female voice commanded.

"I-I am. But I prefer to use my fists." 

I charged up One for all, this time 69%.
The ground around me broke and I sped forward with killer intent.

I punch what's called an imp straight in the face, my fist going all the way through. I felt the blood dripping down my arm and flesh and bits of brain on my knuckles.

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