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Who am I?

Not so long ago, there lived a small family of three. In a not so big town, they got a small house with not much space. You can tell they didn't have the most money or the most things but one thing that they did have was love for each other. By just looking at their family picture, you can tell that they were happy and satisfied with their life. The father was tall, strong, good looking, he had brown hair.

The mother was beautiful. It was hard to explain why or what made her look so stunning. Maybe it was her thick wavy hair. Or maybe it was her mesmerizing hazelnut eyes. Or her light pink cheeks. And their child a 7-year-old boy who had mostly taken his looks from his mother. Like her blonde her, rose cheeks and her smile. But also had his dad's brown eyes.

But back to what I was telling you earlier, they didn't have much but somehow they managed to be happy and thankful for everything that they did have. This might have caused many people in their small neighborhood to be jealous and envious of them. But it was also a good thing in a way, they made many friends and some were close to them that they'd consider each other family. They had it all, but not for long. The sweet woman died due to a brain tumor and life since it has not been the same.

Present-day: 9 years later

Jimin is 16

Jimin's P.O.V

I hear the birds chirping and feel the sun hitting my face. Oh no! I overslept! (again). I jumped out of bed, ran to the bathroom, took a quick shower and threw on some clothes. Again! I cannot believe this, I really need to stop. I grabbed my backpack and ran down the stairs. I went to the kitchen to make a quick peanut butter and jelly sandwich and I rapidly say "Dad! I am going to school now, if you are hungry, heat some food from the fridge and don't call me unless it is necessary, bye love you."

I slammed the door, "Yay, the beginning of a horrible day." I started out walking but automatically ended up running. I don't know if I am even in control of my legs. I finished my sandwich and arrived at school, and was greeted by my best friend \Yoongi.

"Good morning Jimin!"

I sighed. "Good morning..."

He looked at me with a confused face "What's wrong?"

"It's just... that I'm tired. I stayed up late studying for the test, but I feel like I will still get a bad grade."

He wraps his arms around me "Chim, you really need to start caring for yourself. I'd rather get a 50 on a test than walk to school looking like a zombie," He teased, we both laughed and I broke away from the hug.

"I'll try," I said running my hands through my hair.

"You better. It hurts seeing you like this." Then a minute of silence was held. Then he carried on to what he was saying, "Well, good luck on the test, tell me how it goes."

Then we began to part our ways. Ugh....I really need to start stepping up my game, I don't want to be held back. I entered the classroom, late as always. It seems like they were talking about something and I just interrupted, because of how everyone including the teacher turns their heads around to take a look at me.

"Jimin, you are late again not surprising. Write your name up, I don't have time to be chasing you. You are all grown up, it's your choice to be who you want to be."

I don't even know who I am. But that doesn't matter.

I went to the front of the class and wrote my name up on the board. At this point, I didn't care if the kids were whispering about me or if any of the teachers hated me. Once I finish school that won't matter. I just wanted to be done and over with. I walked back to my seat at the left corner of the back of the classroom as every kid turns to look at me sit. My face just showed 'I don't care' and 'I don't want to be here'. My teacher handed the test and when he arrived at my desk, he gave me a deep glare as if he was telling me 'don't mess up...again'. I snatched my paper and he walks away. We all started our test and honestly, everyone looked so calm as if I was the only one who was going to have a full long panic attack. I stayed up till 5 am in the morning studying for this test and I've forgotten everything I've learned. This is just going to go the usual way.

Yoongi's P.O.V

I am sitting in the classroom, we're doing the boring non-exciting work we always do. But today we are learning how we were monkeys and apes all of that stuff. As my seat was beside the window you can really tell that I just didn't want to be here. For some reason, I kept on thinking and wondering what Jimin would be doing and if he is okay. He's been through a lot and it's really inspiring how he just doesn't give up. It always motivates me to be a better person and a better version of myself.

"Mr. Min, are you even paying attention?"

Then my body just jumped up, causing me to smack my knee onto the desk. The entire class burst into laughter. She shakes her head looking disappointed, I mouth the words sorry. When the class is over, Mrs. Lee calls me over, she grabs my shoulders gently and says,

"Listen, child, I've been noticing your odd behavior, you were my top student and now you are failing and it always seems like something is bothering you." Her face expressed her concern.

"It's just that I am really worried for a friend, I always feel like he is hurting, I have nightmares of him one day not being able to take it anymore and-" My voice cracked tears were filling up my eyes. Mrs. Lee then hugged me and rubbed motion circles on my back, I just kept on crying. I don't even know why I get so crazy and emotional about him. When she was done, she took a sticky note and started writing something.

"I know you might not want to and that is fine, but I just want to let you know if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to, I am always available." I hug her and make my way to the exit waving goodbye at her. We exchanged a few smiles and I made my way to the place where me and Jimin always meet.

Jimin's P.O.V

I am sitting on a bench, by the slides and swings where a young girl getting pushed by her mom, both giggling and laughing at one another. I really miss my mom, I wish she was here. Every day, I do my best because I know that is what she would have wanted for me. As I am deeply thinking about her, tears just run down my eyes. It happens on its own, I can't even control it. I place my hands over my eyes, to hide the fact that I am crying. I suddenly feel a light tap on my shoulder, I look up to the surprise of seeing Yoongi's face. "Is this seat taken?" I shake my head, then he sits down and wraps an arm around me. "Are you ok?" He asks

"Yoongi I am doing great!" I say half sarcastically and half-mad.

"Sorry to say this Jimin but you really need to live a little. You can't keep living like this it is not healthy."

"Sorry Yoongi that I am still suffering from the loss of my mom, after 9 years. Don't you understand I have nobody by my side? my father is never there for me, the only time he is there for me is to hurt me and tell me I am a mistake and that I am the most horrible thing that has ever happened to him." Then I start crying on Yoongi's chest but it seems like he doesn't mind. Yoongi ran his fingers through the blonde locks of his 'best friend.'

"You've got me like it or not, I am not going anywhere."

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