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A while later

We are both laying on the bed, jimin is cuddled up. His face was touching my chest. If I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep with him I would have slept on the couch, but it's too late, he already is asleep and I would hate myself if I woke him up. I couldn't fall asleep, I kept thinking about the conversation we have had a few hours ago. I said I loved him and he said he loved me back. But in what way? I liked Jimin and have had a bit of a crush on him for a while, but I never got the courage to say anything since I feel like he will reject me; with all the things he has going on and how he sees me as a best friend it might not work out and let's not forget he might not be into boys but I wish he did.

I smile at Jimin,he looks so calm and peaceful and looks so funny with messy hair. I take my phone from the nightstand and see the time, 4 am. I am trying so hard to not let the bright light of the screen hit his face, it would be a failure if he had woken up. I softly leave the bed trying to make as little noise as possible. Grab my towel and head to the shower.

When I am done showering I enter the bedroom, seeing jimin curled up in a somewhat burrito. I laugh for a bit, dry myself and wear the usual, ripped jeans an oversized T-shirt and a pair of sneakers. I walk over to the bed where Jimin was sleeping.

"Hey chim wake up we have to go to school," I whisper shaking his burrito body

He groans, "I don't feel like going today." Then he covers his head with the blanket looking annoyed that I woke him up.

"But we have too when you go tomorrow what are you going to tell the teachers? 'I didn't want to wake up'." I laughed at my impersonation of jimin. I sat on the bed beside him, He sat up and playfully pushed my arm. "I do not sound like that!" I smiled "Yeah sure you don't."

"Fine I will go to school, " He says as he stands up and stretching his arms. He looked so hot but cute at the same time. His eyes her semi closed, his blonde hair was a it mess and his thick thighs were visible since he was wearing a pair of underwear he borrowed from me.

"I will go cook you some breakfast since my mom already left to work, but just telling you I am not that great at cooking," I said slowly heading out of the room, will blushing a bit.

"No it's fine, I am not very great either." We chuckled at the comment he had made.

I am in the kitchen, looking around trying to find something I could use to cook breakfast. I wanted to cook something simple but yet delicious. Oh, I got an Idea! Pancakes, I just hope I make them right and don't burn the house down. I mixed everything together in a bowl and used the frying pan to cook them. I placed three pancakes on each plate, placed the bottle of syrup in between the plates

At school

We parted our ways while waving to each other. I had Mrs. Lee again, I didn't really mind. I actually quite love her class minus all of the hard math but besides that I think her class is one of my favorite classes.

But what I saw was far off from expected

I walk in the room, it's still early, not many students arrived yet. I am in the room and get greeted by a few friends. I look over to the desk where Mrs. Lee would sit but she's not there. Instead, there is this brown-haired man a bit bald, wearing glasses, reading some papers. He looked like he was in his late twenties or early thirty's. Why wouldn't Mrs. Lee be here? What has happened to her? She never misses a day of school, never. I take a sit and look over to see my friend, Taehyung talking to his boyfriend Jungkook.

I whisper "Taehyung, do you perhaps have any idea why Mrs. Lee isn't here today?"

"Oh, there's a rumor going around that Mrs. Lee is at the hospital," his voice trailed off.

This caused me to begin to worry more and be more eager for an answer, "What is it? Tell me!" I raise my whisper voice just a bit

"Yoongi, people are saying that she has been dealing with heart problems for somewhile and that she might be...."
"What?" My voice cracked and I clenched my fist. I tried to keep all of my emotions in till I got some alone time. But how come she has never told me she had been suffering before? I should be the first person to know about what is happening to her. I was having a moment till I was interrupted,
"Are you done flirting with your 'boyfriend' young man?" The man behind the desk asked. The class that has now had more students all gave their full focus to me. They completely forgot about Taehyung, Taehyung just sat there quietly and began doing the homework he had forgotten to do. I just blankly stared at him, as he stands up to start the lesson. I really don't care if I am considered 'gay' or if I am the 'bad boy' of the school. At this point, I could care less.

The day goes by and we are all heading home, I wave goodbye to my friends. Once I step out of the door, I don't feel the same feelings kids get from leaving school. My heart aches, not because I hate home but because I fear that Jimin will get hurt. I wait for my mom to arrive and pick me up in her car. I hop in,

"Hello, mom!" I smile

"How was your day Yoongi?" She says smiling while fixing her rear-view mirror to see my face.

"It was awesome," I smile again but this time, it wasn't really sincere. I wanted to tell her the truth but I just couldn't, I don't want her to worry and I already have too many things on my mind right now if I told her, that this homophobic teacher called me gay as a way to get me to stop talking, I would have to worry that she doesn't come to school wanting to give one of her lectures to the teachers or even sue any of them. My mom really doesn't know when enough is enough. I get home, finally! I just can't wait to shower ad try to relax. I did my homework, ate showered and finally in bed trying to fall asleep. I felt calm and relieved that Chim was ok. But after a while my heart began aching, I knew something was off he hasn't texted me or even called me. My phone vibrated and I picked it up.

I saw something that made my heart drop.

57 missed calls from 'Jimin'

He probably needed me and I wasn't there for him. What if he got- no stop thinking about bad things you are giving yourself more stress.

That night I didn't get any rest, I was just worrying more and more even when I specifically told myself I wouldn't. The next day, I went to school tired and hungry. I refused to eat because the guilt was just eating me inside. I wanted to just go to Jimin and tell him how sorry I am but I couldn't, we didn't have any classes together. We weren't I'm even in the same year of highschool. So I will have to wait till lunch. Classes went by so slowly, I was just staring at the clock the entire time, and no Mrs. Lee still hasn't shown up. I know Mrs. Lee isn't dead, she is the strongest woman I know. Finally lunch came, I walked to the table where Jimin and I usually sit. But this time is different Jimin is sitting there with a new kid, and that no one wanted to talk to. I saw him and the boy laughing, I don't know why but I became angry. I wanted to have a conversation with Jimin no one else included. I sat down and they just kept talking, like I didn't exist. I heard them, Jimin, telling the new kid that when a boy came to this high school, he couldn't speak much English; he was so clueless that he went to the girls' bathroom. They laughed a lot which made me feel more left-out. Lunch was over and Jimin has just been avoiding me, he has not even said hi to me or anything just talking to the new kid. We were about to go outside for our break; or recess. That's it, I grab Jimin's arm and dragged him into the bathroom. No one is here, boys just want to play football and mess with girls. I lock him in the same stall with me.
"Yoongi, what is your problem?" He says while trying to rip my tight grip from his arm.

"Oh, no no no Jimin I am fine. The question is, what is YOUR problem?" I grab him by his chin forcing him to look me in the eyes.

He looks down, I could see all the pain he was trying to keep inside. I knew him for so long that I can read him like a book.

"Look Jimin I am sorry I wasn't there for you. I had a rough day and I was eager to lay down and rest."

Then silence started to approach us but not for long I broke it again.

"Could you tell me why you called me so much?"

He began to hide his hands with his sweater. I got suspicious, he hasn't said anything and I know he is hiding something. "What are you hiding?"

I lifted up his pink sleeves and what I saw shattered my heart.

[we are gonna get a bit of drama finally!]

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