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Yoongi's pov

I smiled at the paper, suddenly my whole mood changed. My feelings were a mixture of relief, happiness, and curiosity. At the same time, my head was like, Thank god! Jimin wants to talk to me! But also Why would he want me out of all people to meet him at the rooftop?

"Oooh! Someone's got a love letter!" Taehyung teased and laughed while holding his boyfriend's arm.

"Tae, it's not a love letter, Jimin just wants to meet up at the rooftop" I started.

"Just the two of you?" He asked

"Yeah, I guess"

"You should really just ask him out, this might even be your chance to confess."

I blushed bright red, "Shh! I don't want other people to find out that I have a crush on him."

I took a breath, "I don't think that would even happen. I said and did something to him that got him so mad... he slapped me."

"Ouch! Uh, well good luck. Tell us what ever happens"

"Ok. I will."

I take the bag with my food and walk up the stairs to our secret meet up the place that no one knows about. We used to meet up here, and when we left people would ask us where we were. We would lie and say things like, 'we ate together in the bathroom'.

"Hi," I say nervously, I can feel my hands trembling.

"We need to talk," he said while patting a spot which meant he wanted me to sit there; I sat down.

"Uh, um... I didn't bring lunch with me today so,"

"We can share... sorry I didn't let you finish." I just wanted to face-palm my face so badly; that was so embarrassing.

"It's fine and thank you. I am really hungry" We smiled at each other, I opened my lunchbox, I am usually embarrassed by the lunch I brought from home; I make it every day and usually I eat in the bathroom by myself but if I eat with Jimin I don't feel ashamed I actually feel proud. I had spaghetti and meatballs. We ate from the same plate and drank from the same water bottle.

When we were almost done, he talked about things and laughed together, but this time the real reason why I was invited to eat lunch with him began. We began cleaning up and then Jimin stopped and sat up straight.

"Yoongi, I am really, really sorry I shouldn't have slapped yo-"

I fix my sitting position and gently hold his hands "Jimin I should be the one saying sorry. I raised my voice and forgot the fact that you were already stressed and I was making things worse."

Jimin hugged me and it was really passionate as if there was more to it then an 'I forgive you' or 'we are friends again.'

"Jimin are you gay?"

He froze at hearing the question. Backed away, his face became blank as if he had seen a ghost.

𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐀𝐌 𝐈? - yoonmin COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now