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Yoongi's pov

Previous chapter:

"Jimin, are you gay?

He froze at hearing the question. Backed away, his face became blank as if he had seen a ghost.

Continuing with chapter:


"Jimin I believe you heard me the first time, but I am going to repeat myself again. Are you gay?" My feelings for him have grown more and more and at this point, I have to confess to him. I can't keep it in any longer. We can figure the stuff later, this is way more important.

"I don't know. Kind of I think"

"What do you mean, you think?"

I gently held his hand, and my voice became soft and gentle.

"Look, Jimin I like you, I really do."

He looked up at me in awe as if I was talking to a child. "Look Yoongi, I like you too, I really do." I gave him a smile but I knew something was wrong. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair before saying, "You, me together just can't."

"Am I not good enough? Is there something you would want me to change? I will do it." I am so desperate at this point. I want to be happy and I need him to be more than a friend to do so.

"Yoongi it is not you, it's all me. I fear that I am not good enough for you. I am honestly a horrible person. I do so many things that sometimes makes me wonder... who am I? A-and my father just wouldn't allow it. He would HATE me if he knew I wanted to date you."

Jimin's P.O.V

I was held into a tender hug. He always knows what to do when I am feeling down. No matter how much I liked this boy my father wouldn't accept it.

I began to whisper to him, "Yoongi?"

He hums in response.

"I want to date you, I really do. You know what? I don't care if my dad doesn't agree to it." I have never been so convinced about anything, he smiled because of what I said and his eyes even lit up; this is the smile I want to see everyday. "Even if anyone turns their backs on us, we will have each other."

Yoongi's P.O.V

I grabbed his chubby pink tinted cheeks and pressed my lips against his. It felt so magical as if all of our worries vanished and the only thing we had to worry about was each other. I broke the kiss to breathe,

"Can I stay at your house for the night?"

"Yeah sure, my mom's at work right now though so you will have to bear with my horrible cooking." We chuckled, "Stop being so mean to yourself, I think your cooking is tasty. If I could I would eat it all day." He hugged my arm.

At his house

We had both showered, ate and at this point,we're on our phones since we were not sleepy.

I was on my phone and Jimin laid next to me, his head was on my shoulder. "Yoongi.." He asked in a questionable manner. "Yes?" I look over to his face and realize that there are tears running down his cheeks. "Jimin! Are you ok? What happened? What is wrong?" He hands me his phone as if the words just wouldn't come out of his mouth.

What I saw made my heart sank. I was so mad that I wanted to punch Jimin's dad in the face but at the same time, felt sad because of how Jimin was going through so much and all at once. He just gave me his phone.

Jimin's phone

Jimin Dad

7:38 pm

Jimin: I am staying at a friend's house tonight. Be back tomorrow morning

Dad: Just because I let you go last time doesn't mean I want you to go there every week. If you love your friend's house so much why don't you live there? Matter of fact you should. Come and get you crap out of here. RIGHT NOW

𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐀𝐌 𝐈? - yoonmin COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now