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"Jiminie hey wake up dude," I feel Yoongi's warm breath, he's shaking my arm and the water dripping from his hair to my face.

"Hey, go and dry your hair it wetting m-"

"Can we play some games?" He asked with a smile on his face. Yoongi just loves manipulating me. How could I say no? And mostly to that cute gummy smile?

I yawn "Ok" I sat up on the bed stretching my arms, He sits on the bed beside me with two controllers in his hands. We played and played games for the entire afternoon practically. Till it was about time for me to leave.

"Yoongi, I think I should be leaving soon."

"Why don't you stay for dinner or even sleepover."

"How about I only stay for dinner?"

Yoongi groans like a child "Fine!"

"Let's head to the dining room, my mom is probably already done cooking."

We sit at the table, just talking about anything and everything. "I don't like food that doesn't have at least some vegetables in them." Yoongi made a playful disgusted face "Ew! I only fuck with meat." we both laughed, and then the aroma of something delicious caught our attention.

"I'm so hungry," Yoongi says as he lets out a sigh.

"Dude, I've been hungry." I teased.

After They Ate

After I placed my empty plate on the table, I look over at Yoongi who was scrolling through Instagram. Then reality kicked through my mind, oh no. What time is it? I will get punished if I am not home by 8 o'clock. I face Yoongi's direction, "Yoongi," Yoongi doesn't even look upon me, he hums in response. I take out my phone and look at the time, "Oh shoot! I have to go, I am late!" I shoot up from my chair.

"What already, it's no even 10"

"You know how my dad gets when I go home late."

"Just for today, come on just this once~" Yoongi tugs on my arm like a child.

"I-I will try to text him," Yoongi you are my weakness

*Jimin's texting his dad*

Jimin to Dad

9:57 pm

Hey, um...dad I will be staying at a friend's for the night

Read 9:57

"What did he say?" Yoongi asked eagerly waiting for me to say my dad agreed.

"Yoongi He left me on read..." My voice trailed off, then resume "I should probably go."

Yoongi grabbed me and gave me a tight hug,

Yoongis's P.O.V

I hugged him tightly, feeling him hug me back. "I am so sorry, this is all my fault. I got carried away, but please stay just for the night. I want to make sure you are safe and I know if you go there your life will be in danger. Please?" I am practically begging for him to stay, I just can't live with this heavy feeling of my best friend in danger. I will be thankful to not have this nervous feeling even if it is for one night. "Fine.... I am sorry that you have to go through all of this cause of me, I really am sorry." Tears began to run down Jimin's face. "Stop, if I didn't want to go through this I could have left. But I didn't and that is because I love you." I gently kiss Jimin on his forehead. Then he places his face next to my chest managing to say in a muffled way, "I love you."

[sorry the chaps are short]

𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐀𝐌 𝐈? - yoonmin COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now