Where it all began

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March 18th 1983
Jess's pov
I'm a 14 year old girl who's parents gave me up for adoption at the age of 4, yes I've been in this hell hall for 10 years, my mental health is all over the place the only thing that's keeping me sane is the band culture club, especially boy George, there performing tonight I'm thinking of sneaking out of the orphanage to listen to them outside of the venue
God I just love them so much

Concert time
It's about 10:40 and everyone else is asleep, the concert starts at 11, so without thinking twice I opened my window, and jumped on to the branch on the tree and carefully lowered myself down and made my way over to the venue, I could see the name "culture club" outside of the venue doors, I sat behind a tree listening out for the band to come on stage, it was freezing outside and I was shaking so much
I heard someone shout "now welcoming culture club" I don't think I've ever smiled to much in my life till that moment
About halfway through the concert I couldn't take the coldness anymore, I went to the lobby of the venue, and sat in a corner 'much better' I whispered to myself
It came to the end of the concert and I heard George say "thank you all for coming, you've all been absolutely amazing" I just smiled and hugged my knees

I saw a door open and oh my god, no it couldn't be the person who came through those doors, the one and only Boy George, I gasped, too loud to be exact, he looked over at me, I just looked down, almost crying, I was shaking, my idol is standing right there and I go and embarrass myself well done Jess, I thought to myself, I heard footsteps coming towards me I started shaking even more, the footsteps stopped, I still had my head down, then out of the corner of my eye I saw someone kneeling down
I then felt a finger underneath my chin and bringing my head up. And omg there he was, my idol Boy George right in front of me
He looked confused "you alright?" He asked me at this point another tear streamed down my face, he wiped it away with his thumb "what's the matter darling?" He asked me looking concerned "t-too mu-much" I told him in a shaky voice "where are your parents?"
He asked
I sighed "I don't know my parent" I replied following with more tears
"I came from the orphanage just up the street and I don't want to go back, I'm not going back, I've been there for 10 years they've made my life living hell, I just feel worthless all the time" I blurted out, covering my eyes with my hands as I cried even more, George pulled my hands away from my face, I looked at him and he looked back giving a sad smile, he then opened his arms and nodded, I gave him the biggest hug imaginable I just needed one, his embrace was so warm and inviting I felt so safe

We pulled away from each other and he put his hands on my shoulders  "you don't need to go back" he whispered "what do you mean?" I asked "because I'm going to adopt you" he looked at me and gave a huge smile, and again I cried but for once it was a happy reason "seriously?" I asked balling my eyes out and smiling "yep, seriously" he said laughing, he then pulled me in for another hug this time it was longer

"Cmon, I'm going to have a cigarette, you can join me if you want or you can stay in here it's completely up to you, and then there's a little after party thing happening, then we'll go home" he said to me smiling, I smiled back 'I'm finally going to Have a home' I thought to myself
I went to go join George outside, I sat up on a ledge and George joined me as he lit his cigarette, "so tell me about yourself" George said "well my names, Jess Brookfield-" "well soon to be Jess O'Dowd" George interrupted making me laugh "yeah so my names Jess, I'm from bexley, I'm 14 years old, been in an orphanage since I was 4, your my favourite person in the whole world" I then added sounding confident "aww" George said giggling and putting his arm around me for a side cuddle
"Right let's go party!" George said jumping off the small ledge, I just laughed and followed him, he opened the door and all I could see was a room full of A LOT of people, I froze and started shaking, George held out his had I automatically took it obviously, we headed through the crowd of people, I held on to George's hand tight not letting go, we arrived at a corner of the room where there wasn't a lot of people so I felt safer
George introduced me to the rest of the band and told them the plan of action for the adoption and they were all so exited for it

A song came on it was a really upbeat song, I'd never heard of it but I liked it, George looked over at me, stood up and reached over to me "cmon,let's dance" he said I nodded and grabbed George's arm and danced for what seemed for forever when it was really for about half an hour, anyway we made it back to our seats
I got really tired and rested my head on George's shoulder, "aww you ready to go home?" He asked me, I nodded, "alright come on then" he said I got up and held on to his arm, well more like leaning on it, I was so tired we said goodnight to everyone and got into a big car, I couldn't remember what it was exactly I was knackered anyway we made it back to George's house, "well because I really wasn't expecting this, I haven't got a room sorted out for you, so the only option is the settee" he said I just nodded "I'm joining you anyway, don't want you to wake up and freak out not knowing where you are and no ones around" he said, I smiled and nodded

We made our way to the settee and sat down, he then pulled my in for another hug, but this time I rested my head on his chest and my hand on his stomach, and closed my eyes, I felt so protected "Jess O'Dowd, my daughter" he whispered and smiled the most I ever had "George O'Dowd my dad" I whispered back, he kissed me on the head "love you, sleep well babes" he then replied "love you tooo" I said almost slurring

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