Is it just me and you

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Jess's pov
It was later on during the day, I've gotten rid of all of my razors or things that could potentially hurt or harm me in anyway
I was just in my room looking out the window, I didn't know what to do, I felt like I disappointed George, I didn't want to disappoint my dad, that's the last thing on earth I want to do

I let out a huge sigh, and decided to go find George, I headed downstairs and heard sobbing from the living room, I went to check who it was and it was George, he was starring at a picture
It broke my heart to see him like this, I ran up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder, which startled him "oh, Jess umm hi, oh god I'm sorry" he said trying to wipe his tears, like everything was ok
"What the matter dad?" I asked him still with my arms around his waist
"Nothing, love i-its nothing" he said stuttering.

I looked at him with a sad smile "please tell me" I said softly, George looked at me and sighed "I think we should sit down" he suggested nodding his head towards the settee
"You ready to tell me?" I asked him
He looked at me and nodded "well it hadn't always just been me living here, I used to share this place with my well now ex boyfriend Jon, Yes Jon Moss, the drummer for the band, but just before I adopted you, the first night you stopped over, i found out he cheated on me" he said while tears filled his eyes.

I immediately pulled him in for a hug "I'm so sorry dad" I said to him, he pulled away gave a weak smile and said "it's not your fault baby, none of this is because of you" he assured me resting his hands on top of mine "you still love him, don't you" I said
"With all my heart" he said back "that's why I told you yesterday that my heart only beats for you and Jon" he said still giving a weak smile
"Is Jon still with that person?" I asked "well I've heard for Mikey, that they were just a 'one night thing' he said
"Do you think you could ever trust him again?" I asked
George laughed and nodded "yeah, absolutely"

"Well funny enough Jess we've got to go meet the band there's This party going on and it starts in about 3 hours, sorry for not telling you earlier but you know" he said "absolutely" I said smiling
"Well I'm going to go and get ready and I'll see you in about 2 hours and 30 minutes" I said trying to sound cheery and lighten the mood "alright" George said while laughing
I then kissed him on the cheek "aww what was that for?" He asked smiling brightly
"For being the best dad I could ever ask for" I said while leaving the room, I heard George call back "love you!" I yelled back "love you too!" And went to get ready

I put on a back dress with yellow striped going diagonal and midway through doing my hair and makeup I though, if Jon was there and I knew for definite that he wasn't seeing anyone then maybe I could bring my dad and Jon back together, it'd be nice with someone else living here, but if not I really don't care
I've got my dad here and that's all I really need I stared at the picture of me and George and just smiled, it was so surreal to have a family
Yeah it's just me and George, but that might all change and if not I've already said George is all I'll ever need

I finished my hair I decided to wear it down with it all straightened with a pair of black heels and put a leather jacket on (fake leather I'm vegetarian) did my makeup i went with normal foundation, concealer, contour, blusher, bronzer, highlighter. Etc. I did a winged eyeliner look and dark read to yellow eye shadow I was finally ready and went downstairs where my dad was waiting for me
"You look beautiful sweetheart" he said to me "thanks dad, so do you" I returned the compliment "aww aren't you cute" he said putting his arm around me "cmon, cars here" he said and we left

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