Finding out

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Jess's pov
I woke up early this morning realising that I fell asleep on the settee again with my dad I decided to get up on my own and not wake my dad up
Instead I went to his bedroom to see if my other dad was awake which he was, he was just looking at the ceiling it looked like he just woke up, he saw me "hiya love, how long have you been up" he said opening his arms for a hug, I ran over to him and hugged him "yeh I've slept well" I replied sitting next to him "where George?" He asked "oh he's on the settee asleep" I replied "oh so that's where you camped out then is it" he said rolling his eyes and smiling, I just giggled

All of a sudden we heard George running to the bathroom and he started being sick, me and Jon looked at each other confused and went to go see what was wrong
George was leaning over the toilet bowl still being sick, Jon rubbed his back while I rubbed his shoulders "You okay my love?" Jon asked "yeah fucking brilliant" George replied shaking his head "what's the matter daddy?" I asked "I think it's just a tummy bug Jess, don't worry about it" he assured me smiling
"I think we should get it checked out babes" Jon said "no darling I'll be fine" he said holding Jon's hand.

"Is there anything I can do?" Jon asked "coffee would be nice" George said smiling "ok" Jon said kissing him on the cheek "you want anything Jess?" He then asked me "no I'm fine thanks" I replied, he nodded and left, I then looked at George who was looking at the floor and sighed "daddy are you sure you're okay?" I asked him nervously
"Listen Jess, there's something I have to tell you" he said leaving against the wall and wrapping his arms around me, he sighed again and I nodded

"Well, I was born with a condition where I'm born with both female and male reproductive systems, and well me and your dad you know... last night" I cut him off by laughing, he did also but then continued "yeah so this enables me, well not to get pregnant but to have everything except a baby" he said I was very confused by this
"Wait so you're going to go through everything a pregnant person does but without a baby at the end of it" i said "mhm" George said while nodding
"Wait so your going to get a bump" I said while smiling
"Yessss" George said rolling his eyes I giggled "will there be movement?" I asked curiously "yep that too?" George said "what exactly will be moving if it's not a baby then?" I asked "Well it'll be like a strong gas, that's strong enough to move my stomach so you can feel the movement from the outside" he explained. I was starting to get it now
"This is going to be so cool!" I said quietly but with a high pitched voice
George laughed "yeah I don't know how to tell your dad though, or if I should tell him at all" George contemplates "well I don't think you can hide it from him, you are going to get a bump" I said he nodded at the realisation
"I'm going to try hide it from him because personally I don't think it's a big deal, but if he asks me I'll just tell him" he agreed
I just nodded "yeah I guess that Could work"
I said

"Wait how quickly does the bump grow?"
I asked he looked at me "I'm sorry I'm full of questions" I then said, George laughed "ahh it's fine you're allowed to ask questions, and umm it grows quite quick.. I mean I've got a small one now" he said the last bit quieter
"Oh my god really ?" I asked him wide eyed, he looked at me and nodded smiling "that is so cool!" I said giggling
"Yeah" he closed the door "I'll show you"
He whispered we both got up and he lifted up his shirt to reveal a small bump "awwwww"
I cooed, he laughed "yeah it's scares me that it's going to get bigger" he said, I placed my hand on it "it's so cute" I said lightly rubbing his small bump, he looked at me and gave me a hug "cmon we can't hide in here forever" he said I nodded and we made our way out to see Jon standing at the doorway looking confused

"What were you two talking about in there?" Jon questioned "nothing" George said while frowning "but I Just heard yo-" Jon was about to finish his sentence when interrupted by George "listen Jon it doesn't matter, come on let's go sit down" George said poking Jon's chest

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