Okay where is dad

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Yes I'm back 😊
Jess's pov
I woke up at around about 9:30Am I wondered down the corridor to see where my dad was, I caught a glimpse of him in my side vision, he was in the bathroom putting on some makeup he also didn't have a top on "DAD" I said running into the bathroom to give him a hug, "oh my goodness Jess, sweetheart you need to stop scaring me, you almost gave me a heart attack" he said taking a deep breath and hugging me back
My eyes curiously wondered to look at George's stomach which looked bloated "dad?" I said curiously "yes sweetheart?" He answered, "is that due to this pregnancy thing or are you just bloated?" I asked rubbing his stomach gently "nope that's the pregnancy thing baby, I was astonished I couldn't stop looking at it In the mirror this morning" he said I started smiling and kissed him on the tummy "aww" he whispered.

"Any signs of Jon?" I asked "Jess how many times young lady he's your dad as well" he said "yeh well where is dad? I'm worried" I said walking out of the bathroom, George followed "I've tried to ring him this morning but he wouldn't pick up, I think we should meet Roy at the studio and see if there's any signs on him" George said putting a shirt on, I nodded weakly "okay I'll go get changed" I said running too my room I slammed the door and began to cry behind it, "where's my dad" I whimpered to myself I cried for a few minutes before getting up and sorting myself out, I put on a grey T-shirt with a leather jacket and some ripped jeans
I looked in the mirror to check if it looked like I've been crying, my eyes were a little puffy but they were fine overall, I walked out and ran downstairs to see George in the kitchen looking at a picture of Jon, he didn't realise I was there until he slowly lifted his head up "oh hello baby" he said practically jumping from the seat "hey dad" I said walking over to hug him, this hug was strangely longer and tighter than the others but I didn't mind

A few hours passed
"You ready to look for your dad then?" George asked putting a coat on, I nodded, we got into a taxi to the studio when we arrived I couldn't believe it "DAD!" I screamed and ran out of the taxi toward him, Jon was standing at the entrance of the studio, I ran full force towards him and jumped into his arms crying "where were you daddy?" I questioned between cries I felt a hand on my back which was George's who managed to get to us "I stayed at the studio over night to get some last minute recordings done" he simply told us "I'm sorry I'll never leave you two again without telling you" he said rubbing my back and he put me down "OH DAD GUESS WHAT" I said practically screaming "WHAT" he said confused but eagerly excited, I placed my hand on George's stomach "look dad, the baby is growing" I said rubbing George's tummy softly "I'm not a bloody petting zoo" George said laughing, we looked at Jon who was tearing up, "oh my goodness" he said kneeling down and placing his hands on George's stomach he gasped "oh my god you're getting big" he whispered "thanks"George said sarcastically rolling his eyes making me laugh
"Cmon you two, let's get home it's been a long day" George suggests holding my hand "good idea baby" Jon says "Dad Carry me" I said while raising my arms, he rolled his eyes "come here then baby girl" he said while picking me up, we called a taxi, I sat on Jon's knee all the way home, I didn't realise but I fell asleep half way back home, I remember opening my eyes and looking at the clock which read 2:45Am I didn't realise where I was at first till I saw Jon next to me and George on the other side, I snuggled into Jon's chest and fell back asleep, I really missed my dad I thought to myself

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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