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Jess's pov
We were still at the party and It was getting pretty late, well at least I was getting tired I was sat in the middle of Jon and George
I yawned and decided to rest my head on George's shoulder "aww looks like someone's getting tired" George said, I just nodded and smiled "we'll get going soon" Jon added I then again nodded and drifted off on George's shoulder
All of I sudden I remember waking up and moving I got confused by this and jumped, I looked down to see that Jon was carrying me

"You okay darling, I didn't mean to wake you" Jon said "no it's just I've never been carried before, and what time is it when did we leave, where are we?" I asked him drifting off again "we just left from the party, it is 2:36 am and we are heading towards the car" he replied at that moment I realised I couldn't see George which put me into panic I then shot up again and looked to the right of Jon where I saw George "wow, what's wrong love?" Jon asked stopping and George coming up behind me and rubbing my back "sorry it's just I panicked I couldn't see George, oh wait dad sorry" I said sighing ""oh sweetheart I'm here, no need to worry" George said continuing to rub my back
"Would you feel better if I put you down so you can walk with George" Jon asked
I nodded, and he set me down

George gave me a big hug "awww, bless, I'm here I'll always be here" George said chuckling
"Good" I said giggling "cmon the cars just over here" George said
I held on to his arm and all three of us headed towards the car, we got in, George on the right hand side, me in the middle and, Jon on the left.

Midway through the car journey I started thinking 'wow i finally have a family me and my....dads' I thought to myself not realising I was smiling "what you smiling at?" George asked smiling back
"Oh it's nothing" I said still smiling "come on tell us" Jon said, I sighed "well the realisation just hit me, I have a family now, you know I have parents and I just couldn't be happier" George looked at me and smiled and did the same to Jon, Jon did the same "yeah, we're a family, and that's how it going to stay" Jon said holding onto my hands, I looked up at him smiling and just gave him the biggest hug. I looked back at George who was frowning "what?" I asked "I don't even get hugs like that" he pouted "well you're getting one now" I said and without giving him time, hugged him the same I did with Jon "I love you" George said kissing the tip of my nose "I love you tooooooooooooo" I replied kissing his cheek

"We are home!" Jon said loudly startling George, we all laughed and got out of the car, we entered the house and went to the living room where all of a sudden me and George were tackled to the settee by Jon, We both screamed (George screamed a little louder I think) after we realised what just happened we started laughing "what just happened?" I asked still giggling "I wanted hugs" Jon replied wrapping his arms around me and George "you could've just asked" George said smiling "yeah but it was much more fun that way" he said smiling back at George

"Get a room" i whispered and giggled as did George and Jon "I'm so happy" I said "me too" George said "no but really ever since you met me that night dad, I never knew what happiness was and when you adopted me, you showed me exactly what it was and I will never be able to thank you enough for what you've done, you saved me" I said looking at George who was teary eyed, he held out his hand which I grabbed and held it "right time for bed I think" George said, I yawned and nodded "definitely" George then said laughing, I wrapped my arms around Jon and he did the same "Goodnight, sleep" I said, he looked down "you called me dad" he said while smiling, I nodded "yep cause that's who you are" I replied, he kissed me on the head "Goodnight kiddo" he said

"I'll come with you" George said and I headed towards my bedroom, I got into my bed and George sat down in a chair next to me he looked down at me and smiled "I'm happy. You're happy" he said "I'm very happy, didn't know what it was till I met you, and I'm glad I did" I said "me too baby" he said "I'm so happy that I have another dad, but, I'm not saying it will, but If things do go back to the things they were, when it was just me and you, then I'll be just as happy, because yeah Jon's my dad too, but your always going to be my dad, and I'll always be by your side, no matter what life throws at you, I will always be there, unless you put me back up for adoption" I said, he gasped "don't be silly, I'd never do that, you don't really think I'd do that do you?" He said in shock "I don't know that's what my other family said they said they'd always keep me but I ended up back at the orphanage" I said bursting into tears, George automatically scooped me up and placed me on his lap "I'm not like that other, well I wouldn't even call them a family, you're my daughter and that's that, nothing can take you away from me, you're mine" He said, I nodded

"I'm sorry dad it's just" I tried to continue but he stopped me "don't be sorry, please don't be sorry, just don't talk, let's just have a cuddle, I rested my head on George's chest "that's your favourite spot isn't it" George said laughing "yeah that and your stomach" i replied "why?" He said still laughing "I just feel protected" I simply replied "well that's because you are" He said holding me tighter
About 10 minutes later I got back into my bed, I looked my dad who was looking at me "Goodnight Gorgeous, sleep well, remember I love you with all of my heart and I ALWAYS will" he made that very clear he then kissed me on the head I pulled him in for one last hug, he was walking towards the door when I said "night daddy, I love you" he turned to me and smiled "night darling, I love you too, forever" He replied "forever" I repeated George left my room and I drifted off to sleep

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