Panic attacks

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Jess's pov
I woke up screaming from a night mare I had, George came running in "whats wrong darling, shhh it's okay I'm here" he said putting his arm around me, I buried my face into his chest and started crying "what's wrong dear?" He asked "I had a really  bad night mare" I said trying to control my breathing
"What about?" He asked me, "I had such a realistic dream that dad was cheating on you and you got so upset and felt so betrayed then at the end of all of this you ended up taking your own life leaving me behind" I blurted out while struggling to breath and burst into tears again.

George wrapped me in his arms "hey, hey jess you're having a panic attack my love, I need you to concentrate on your breathing okay, it was only a dream it's not real baby I'm here" he said tearing up.

I managed to calm myself down, "how about you sleep with me for the rest of tonight darling, you sound absolutely traumatised" he said rubbing my back, I nodded.
Both me and George  got up, he put his arm around me and we made our way to his room as we were walking I caught a glimpse of what looked to be a bra but hey I was tired it was in the middle of the night I was probably just seeing things.

We got to the bedroom and out of no where George picked me up and threw me onto the bed "dad!" I shouted giggling, George just laughed "Wasn't expecting that was you?" He asked crossing his arms "no not at all, Jesus Christ you scared me" I said he laughed and led down next to me, he put his arm around my shoulder and I led my head on his chest and rested my hand on his stomach, "you feeling better now?" He asked me "I'm still a bit shaken but I'm fine now I know you're here" I said, "I'll always be here" he assured me which led to me crying once again "what's wrong now" he said giggling "I'm just so glad you're my dad and I now have a family" I said smiling, he smiled and hugged me tighter.

I cuddled into George more then a thought came into my head, where's Jon? Well my other dad "dad?" I said confusedly "yeah?" He said in the same tone "where's Jon?" I asked "oi he's your dad too you know" he said giggling "yeah well where's dad then?" I asked "actually Jess I have no idea" he said sighing "wait didn't you 2 go to bed with each other?" I asked "yeah and when I woke up to hear you screaming I looked over and he wasn't there, so I assumed he had already gone into your room to check if you were okay but I still wanted to be there for you and when I made it to your room I could see he wasn't there, so he obviously left during the night" he said in a sad tone.

At this point I got frustrated "why has he done this again, he can't keep doing this, he promised me he wouldn't do this again" I said feeling betrayed, George sighed "I know beautiful, I know and trust me as soon as I see him he'll be getting a Bollocking don't worry" he said making us both laugh. "Try get a bit more sleep tho baby, you need to sleep" he said running his fingers through my hair "okay goodnight daddy, I love you so much" I said cuddling into his chest while resting my hand on his stomach "goodnight darling, I love you too baby" he said kissing me.

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